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Soft tissue swelling (sit bone area)

Has anyone ever had the issue of the soft tissue around the sit bone area becoming really swollen?
I did a 7 hour mountain bike ride today and its swollen to the size of about 1/2 an egg. I only ever get issues with my left side? Occasionally I think I might get an ingrown hair or something because I can get like a tiny pimple that it extremely painful. Maybe the two are related because again, its only ever my left side.
I've been doing heaps of road riding lately without issues. Jump on the mountain bike on Thursday and it felt irritated and then afters today's ride its very swollen.
It would be good if someone had similar issues and you were able to solve it.
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Hi Brian. Sounds like you got more out of today's ride that you'd hoped for! Maybe similar to an issue I had; slight swelling and itching becoming a permanent feature after lots of (road) riding. For me it eased when not riding. Pressure sores?
Funny thing is that with all the mountain biking I'm doing, there's no sign of it currently. Different bike implies of course - a different saddle. If you're on a new (to you) saddle, I'd be tempted to treat it with suspicion.
Of course, it may not be anything specifically wrong with the saddle; perhaps a doctor out there will confirm that sometimes some areas of skin can be prone to inflammation, if that area is subject to lengthy periods of pressure combined with moisture and salt/minerals from perspiration.
Until then, only suggestion I can make in terms of relief is having wife/girlfriend/spouse/life partner attend to the problem with soothing balm.
Any balm will do. Needn't be too scientific about it. The key is to have it applied TO oneself. Self application simply does not have the requisite medicinal advantages.
Hope this helps.
While I've never heard of the swelling that big, everything else sounds like signs of saddle sores Brian. The blind pimple occurring mainly after longer rides and painful are all familiar symptoms. Basically saddle sores are a bacterial/fungal infection. The warm & moist environment are ideal for them.
Prevention is all about hygiene. Try better quality brands of riding pants as they usually have better anti bacterial chamois. As soon as you finish a ride get out of your pants. As soon as you get home throw your riding gear in the laundry tub and soak them in cold water with a little Dettol & Napisan then wash as per normal.
Go to the baby section in the supermarket & get some Napier rash cream to apply after rides. The best for you to use now you have it bad is one with a steroid in it called Hydrozole from Chemist.
Oh, and I'm not a Doctor and not qualified to give medical advice blah blah so you should seek specialist advice
My gut feeling is the two aren't related as the swelling feels a lot deeper. I run the same saddles (Selle SMP) on all my bikes except the road one is a different model but very similar in shape and measurements.
Not what you want coming into the Mont.
I'd be getting myself along to the sports medicos at North Sydney. Does sound to me like a saddle sore but you need expert examination. How is it this morning?
Its swollen but not really sore. What's this place in North Sydney you speak of?
I was hoping for a big week of training but not to be
Sounds like your ride became a bit more painful... Apart from that, how did your 100km+ of dirt go?
It was good. I felt really strong for the whole ride and didn't have to walk any of the hills.
I had a similar problem before I got a new washing machine. The old one was not washing my clothes as well as it should have. I used Resolve Jock itch cream. Once it settled down I then used Paw Paw cream. However, a doctor would know more.
Sorry for the delay, just got back from Canberra.
PM sent. Looks like they've recently moved to St Leonards, but the upside is close to public transport.