You are hereForums / By Discipline / Mountain (off road) / By Location / Australia / NSW / Newcastle & Hunter / Glenrock . Tuesday or and Sunday . 6:00pm . @ Fernleigh Track entrance to Link Trail . following trail marked dark green .
Glenrock . Tuesday or and Sunday . 6:00pm . @ Fernleigh Track entrance to Link Trail . following trail marked dark green .
NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
I liked the dodgy De Luge trail and would also consider starting from there, but as i'm new to the mountains of Glenrock and found that De Luge started in a strange place and not sure if others would know the depot entrance to De Luge, i would say the subject idea is the best place to start.
I'm open for spontaneous mapping if i can get a large enough group together.
Hope to see someone there.
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can you explain the route a little better please, from what i can see you are riding down It happens, i do believe that trail is for climbing only, but other then that im interested
Recently went out and discovered some new trails and it was fun discovering them for the first time, not that trails like seismic are worth discovering. I felt like i was being brutally punished by the flora the whole way through, but i then realized that is there game to grow in perpetual motion towards the sun, and not to keep with the vicinity of about 400mm of the edge of the trail. That job/task however (I'm guessing) is the duty of the trail maintainers. Seismic is just about UN-rideable and not worth the ride even without the flora invading. Being new to these mountains of Glenrock and without having ridden on a few trails; including, Double Barrel, Reload, Suess Land and Kenny, i find there could be so many small improvements made to greatly enhance it's appeal and quality. Hey, it's better than nothing, but it leaves me wishing for much more. It doesn't seem like the trails have been taken seriously. I would like to see the trails be made a class act; with BIGGER BERMS, BIGGER BUT FRIENDLY JUMPS, LONGER AND SMOOTHER STRAIGHTS, WOODEN OBSTACLES THAT NOT ONLY ARE EPIC AND CHALLENGING, BUT have aesthetic qualities and blend in with the surroundings. And i totally think in order to make a trail a class act you have to think about the aesthetics, as well as the functionality. I would even argue that to think (functionality) critically is to think 50% aesthetics and 50% functionality, give or take; that makes a fun trail.
It's time for the N.C.C. to start critically thinking about the prospects of making these trails class trails. Rather than spending millions on moving some fig trees from the front of Newcastle Library that have taken hundreds of years to grow for their little greedy, selfish road expansion, why not invest in the huge MTB community, thus benefiting tourism, business. I think it would be a huge gift for Newcastle and appreciated by so many, and many to come.
On my last ride i discovered "Snakes & Ladders", only to later find out that one of the only trails with nice berms was meant to be ridden backwards, well so it seemed to me. How can this be? What's the point of having descent berms on a trail that is supposed to be ridden up hill?? It defeats the purpose. Berms are for speed, right, and i cannot see any non motor powered bike making use of a berm up hill with so little speed; it's the same deal with "as it happens". I love it at the top of that trail how it winds through scenic stones and mounds, which lead into a disappointing messy downhill ....thing, which it turns out (from a recent comment) is supposed to be ridden uphill. Well, to be honest, you will not find me riding that trail uphill, nor with "Snakes and Ladders". There should be an emphasis on common sense in a two way scenario. "Snakes & Ladders" uphill.... common.... where are the ladders?
You have some catching up to do with the state of things in Glenrock.
Firstly go back to the home page and click on the 'about' tab.
After you've read all that join up with the GTA trail crew, we will be doing some of that much needed trailwork soon - it will be advertised on this website.
Then go and put your helmet on because you are about to be bombarded by comments from other riders who put in the work that you are criticising and who ride the trails in the 'suggested' direction to prevent damage to their work.
And Glenrock is not managed by NCC, but of course you would know that by the time you stopped to read the information signs.
You and all new riders are welcome to Glenrock, but we do expect some respect for the hard work we've put in - on the trails and on advocacy.
I got it on.
As per the previous comment, i wouldnt be going around knocking the hard work of VOLUNTEERS who, as you say, "maintain" our aparently primitive and not well planned tracks. I am not going to go into a big spiel about it, but if you don't like them, don't ride them. Its one less half-wit we have to ride around that ride's the trails in the wrong way. Not only is it stupid, but dangerous. If you meet another rider head on in the wrong spot, someone is coming off. And i know i won't be moving over for some hippy riding in the wrong direction when i am climbing "snakes and ladders" or "it happens" or absolutely belting down through "shaft". You best have your helmet on then too.
cause you are on some heavy shit & it is screwing your brain dude-get your ass to the next build day & fix these problems you have with Glenrock & earn some respect
Wow buddy, I am so glad you have found this new place, what is it "the mountains of Glenrock"? If only you could send us some kind of mud map so we all know how to find these mysterious mountains and their primitive tracks, with their annoying perpetual motion plants. Maybe we can do some "spontaneous mapping" of an area that is so ridiculously well mapped because I for one would never ever ever be able to find De-Luge which is hidden somewhere in the bowels of the Middle Earth. I have heard old men in bars talk of this mysterious trail head, located about 50 metres off a road behind a large other worldly green shed, but this is folly surely and this trail is it exists will never get ridden, because no worldly man could find it.
Anyway, good luck with getting people to your group ride seeing you have probably alienated 99.99% of the people on this forum. Perhaps we should rename this forum Imaginariums Soapbox, because the joyous 28 hours in which you have been a member you have definitely earned the right to sprout disrespectful horse shit about trails that have been in existence, and re-modelled and re-worked with sustainability in mind over many many years, in close consultation with the NPWS [AKA the NCC].
I am pretty sure I am going to be busy on any day you post a group ride. I could think of nothing more painful mate.
Not sure how I missed this, but what I will do/say is offer you a guided tour of the Glenrock State Conservation area and offer you an insight into the works done, the works to be done and a critical rational as to why things are the way they are.
You've come and shown a huge amount of disrespect to the volunteers who do work, a complete lack of knowledge of the area and it's history, and by the sounds of it little understanding on the functionality and design of a sustainable trail network, all while working in with the constraints of the land manager and with little to no budget.
I can't make your ride, but am happy to find a time to show you around set you straight.
he must be jokeing?
hope so.
must have put his dunces hat on & is doing a walk of shame!-if you are reading this Daniel & realise you were out of place just man up & apolagise & try to work for the good of Glenrock
hahaha, only just found this, I was looking for maps to consider the wet weather options being discussed.....gee I bet he, or she, is glad they never posted a about a slamming.
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. I won't point out the misconstrued comments, however, to the hot headed boys who feel the need to spout ignorant and pathetic words (in this instance) like halfwit & hippy, i hope to never have to look into your eyes for your eyes will reveal and spread that which unfortunately plagues so many simple souls such as yourself.
Ah... so, i have recently discovered some other trails (Kenny, Reload, and others around there) and i have to say, i'm impressed. I should have pointed out before, rather than focusing on the bad bits, that there's many great sections to the trails.'s just i said before, which i do partly apologize for as it was disrespectful considering "the maintainers" are volunteers and the limitations that have been spoken of. Again, there could be a few cardinal things done to enhance the trails. There's jumps that look as though they could only be hit by the year round BMX bandit that's fearless of a bone break or two. It appears as though these mounds would be like hitting a speed hump flat out on a road bike, and in the back of your head your just hoping you'll land ok and in the right spot and save yourself some hospital timeout. I would like to see jumps for the masses, that enable the average rider to fall short on, or allow the serious riders to sail (on a fairly different level) without the fear of having to just make a gap by inches to allow a safe landing down the meter length mound. Also, berms with mass and depth would be great. I really have to hustle, so i won't describe the other improvements i think should be made to the already fun trails of Glenrock, however i will upload some images which should give a clear definition of my imaginarium. And hopefully they inspire the volunteers even further to improve on the already freaking magnificent work that has already been done in the vast mountains of Glenrock, because i know your work has inspired me to want to help out.
Not so much now, but still will ride with those(aged 20 - 30) able to speak and have some fun and don't have a hang up over some
very little comments on a website. No true blue beer ridden schmucky ignorant wankers please. Wake up or ride away.
Good luck with that mate...I'm sure the crowds will be busting to hang out with a fine character such as yourself.
You should join up with some the Geriatric Playgroup. They're always looking for playmates.
Be nice to them (they don't bounce but crumble) and they will show you how interesting Glenrock Mountain can be.
you had yourself marked down to!-I am sorry if I did not say hello to you 'imaganarium'