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BMORC visiting Glenrock

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Corner of Pacific Highway and Fernleigh Loop, Adamstown Heights
Currently Chuck and Myself plan to visit Glenrock. Check out the work that has been done and enjoy a ride.
BMORC has just won a council battle to get Knapsack developed and we would like to get a closer look at what has been done at Glenrock.
We are hoping a local may be kind enough to meet up and give us a guided tour. Some background knowledge in the construction of the trails would be fantastic.
We will keep an eye on the weather and trail status updates. If the tracks are to wet we will post pone for a better day.
We are leaving western sydney at 7 and plan to be there between 9:30 and 10.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Note: time is meant to read 9:45am but no matter how many times I try to edit it keeps appearing as 10:45am. I have spoke to Rob about it and he has not been able to fix it either. Some sort of bug relating to time zones.

Were you there and have a story to tell?
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I'd love to give you a tour, but this weekend is really bad for me. There is a maintenance/build day on Saturday as well.
I'm sure someone will pop up though that can show you around.
But will have to confirm closer to the day, if that's OK.
Cheers Empy, if you cant thats ok.
Note: time is meant to read 9:45am but no matter how many times I try to edit it keeps appearing as 10:45am.
as I am getting older need to start rides at like 11:30 to 12Pm
Just so you know Tim, I'll be up at Newcastle staying at a friend's place the weekend after (31st/1st).
We'll be riding Glenrock and perhaps Awaba, and the invitation is open to anyone who wants to join us. My mate knows Glenrock pretty well.
To be honest Tim its not the hardest place to find your way around if you have ok navigation skills.
There is the good map on the Glenrock website. I can list the suggested trail sequence for you if you can't get a guide.
You should be able to latch onto someone on the day as well.
Glenrock is almost frustrating when you see what great work has been done there "fixing up trails" as you think how good will this end up being. Great place for descents and ascents.
I'm keen boys.
I have my new toy to test; check my thread in a few minutes!
My wife will come up for a drive but will probable go in to Newcastle instead of riding.
How technical are the trails there for a novice woman on a trance? She may come out for an hr or so.
Not worried about getting lost, I actually find it difficult to get lost. I've seriosly tried before one late night while driving around with a fiend and still found my way home. More interested in the chat and information a local can offer. (Goes both ways, I'll return the favour if they ever come down our way).
Glad to have you come along Ian.
J the B, if the tracks to wet this weekend we may post-pone and join you the following week.
I have taken him through Glenrock before, even got the BMORC sticker! Don't think I can make it.
Its times like this I need a like button.
Howdy Luke!!! Can't do this weekend... will be trying to organise a family trip up there sooner rather than later.
Shame Lukestool can't do it, he is a great guide... there is a lot of interesting build history and stuff there and he knows a lot of it!
And BLKFOZ the trails are well rounded for riders, they become as gnarly as you ride them... mainly flowing and fast rather than super technical. Some hill climbs are quite longish, but nothing like you haven't seen in the Blue Mtns.
Tim no chance you will get lost, you just want to make sure you do the prime trails, and go over them a few times as they get better as you know them and find lines.
It's raining down here, how's up north?
Easing. I'll keep the status up to date.
Should be a good day. I'll drive up to Newcastle for a ride around Glenrock then ride to Williamtown to meet the Mrs. The HMBA has club round on Sunday so I think most people will be racing in the morning.
unless it hammers down rain overnight please enjoy the trails
Like me to catch up with you a bit later on, I'm having trouble with the 9.45, if you are going to stay for the full 4 hours I can probably meet with you guys about 12.
PM me if you want a contact number.
Big thanks to all the lads up at Glenrock today and those that posted here. Special thanks to Mick for the tour and the workout.
Steven and Ian were at their usual best. Not bad considering one hasn't ridden much lately and the other rode 100km yesterday. Must be those carbon frames. Great to have Lynette along too. Shame she had to go back to the car and read a book. It meant Tim and I have ride harder to keep up.
Perfect weather too!
Good day, was a nice fun ride. I uploaded my GPX to Strava and had a 4th up snakes and ladders which was surprising.
There are some really nice features around Glenrock that I can see working at Knapsack but its a completely different base to work with.
Thanks for posting it Tim.
No worries Ian.
Chuck and I are planing some more rides out of Town, possibbly looking at doing Mt Annan next.
Cheers Mick for the tour. Was good to gain some information and history plus we certainly would have missed out on some of those good trails.
I'll be in for Mt Anon.
I'd probably be in for Mt Annan though I may go there over Easter when I am down in Sydney. Need to ride it... heard too much interesting stuff about it.. good and bad.
I'd probably be in for Mt Annan though I may go there over Easter when I am down in Sydney. Need to ride it... heard too much interesting stuff about it.. good and bad.
Mt Annan for me too, just interested!
Me three!
a mt annan ride be great only thing is the late start opens at 10.
Thinking of a 8am Kessel run to start the day then move on over to Mt Annan when the gates open/we finish the Kessal run. Would be interesting to see if we can do it In under 12 parsecs!
Yeah right. You'll have to fix the hyperdrive first
True, I've ordered a half-link off eBay. Here's hoping to a light speed delivery!
Don't tell me your all Star Wars geeks... isn't Al (and myself in secret... shhhh don't tell anyone) enough!
& for anyone who hated the three new movies which sucked there are always the reviews from Red Letter Media that are truly brilliant.....