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La Nina Over?

The BOM is saying that the La Nina event is over. The only catch is we will return to average rainfall which is pretty high in Sydney, and April is on average the wettest month of the year.
I don't know how anyone else has been but I've half considered just not riding until the weather clears up - it has been so de motivating with so many rides and races cancelled or postponed.
Cross our fingers and we may have plenty of clear crisp days in Autumn and Winter.
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If that's the case, I think I will head south to Victoria for a week in April and avoid some of the rain,
Beechworth, Buller, Wombat, Yowies, Forrest,,, Sound Good? Wanna come too Al?
I think we just need to change our expectations off what is normal - the early noughties were very dry in NSW so the trails were not getting the deluges that we are getting now - maybe if we looked at biking a different way: NOBMOB could be re-branded as Northern Beaches Marine Traverse Biking . Maybe change a couple of track names? I guess Manly DAM implies water - we are just lucky that they have decided to cut a track around the edge - so it gets a bit submerged sometimes - isn't that what 29er's are for? Oxford FALLS is what the name implies too - as does Cascades - you don't see dust cascading down a mountain bike track do you? Maybe change Red Hill to Upper Narrabeen Lagoon - this would also potentially get the friends of the Lagoon to focus less on the annual 17 cubic cm of mountain bike erosion that runs off into the bottom lakes and more time spent developing a track around the new upper lagoon - always better to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Not sure about Terry Hills though - any ideas?
Terry Hills? That one is easy, Torrential Hills
Terrey Spills?
Watery Hills???
Whenever i see the forecast the first thougjt has usually been "Manly, Damn!"