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Withdrawn: Capital Punishment 100km Entry

Logan's picture

By Logan - Posted on 23 April 2012

Note that this is "Withdrawn" so is here for archive purposes only.

CP entry, I crashed at the B2B this weekend and wont be able to race on Sat, need to get this off my hands, so offering the ticket for $100.00.

You will need to pay a $30 admin fee, so I think this a decent price.

PM me.

Brian's picture

Andy, what happened? You dont seem to have a good run leading up to enduros

Logan's picture

Basically got chopped up by a rider slamming on his brakes descending and then rode across my front wheel, hit the deck at 65kph on shitty country roads....dont have much skin left on my hands and stuff.

Brian's picture

Was that the crash that shortened the race?

Matt_B's picture

I don't think so Brian (correct me if I am wrong Logan)
there were lots of crashes - we stopped with one guy doing mid 50s, decided to look over his shoulder at a mate hit a bump and then splat - bad grazes, dented helmet but OK
road races/events are far scarier than any MTB I have done - but still fun
Haven't heard re. the rider for whom the race was shortened; heard only lots of blood and a helicopter involved

Logan's picture

Basically it was a rider from the GPM Development team, came off, they would of been doing close to 80 kph coming off there, face first into the road, knocked unconscious, had to be airlifted to Westmead, his face was in a bad way, apparently had done some damage to his eye, lots of deep cuts etc.

Brian's picture

All sounds very nasty. Andy, I hope you get all mended soon and aren't off the bike long.

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