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Yellomundee Track Work

ChopStiR's picture

By ChopStiR - Posted on 09 May 2012

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Saturday, 12 May, 2012 - 08:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Yellomundee Regional Park
Meeting Point: 

There's a car park (click for foggy picture) on Springwood Road - just down the way from Hawkesbury Heights if you're looking for a suburb name.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

I have copied Ray's original post to create this calander entry

Here's an opportunity to help out at your nearest XC race venue - ie Yellomundee Regional Park (it's only 55 minutes from Lindfield, the same time as getting to Ourimbah):

WSMTB is holding a Track Work morning from 8.30am on Saturday 12 May. Meet at the usual gate. Wear long trousers, boots, long sleave shirt. Bring shovel, fire rake, whipper snipper, cutters, wheelbarrow, spade etc. We will be checking the track, clearing edges, AND repairing the entrance driveway with some road base etc.

Followed by BBQ provided by WSMTB and maybe a ride.

See and our FB page for any last minute weather updates. Email me at [email protected] if you can come.

All welcome - see you there.

Ray Rice

PS. with NPWS approval we will now be getting 19 tonnes of crushed sandstone delivered - and NPWS are providing a bobcat to help.

But we still need plenty of help to do the track repairs.

Hope to see you there.

Who's in?
Ray R, ChopStiR, jbrad
Ray R ChopStiR jbrad
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
deadparrot's picture

sorry I can't attend, still out injured.

ChopStiR's picture

Ray, we're will the best place be for us workers to park our cars?

Ray R's picture

If you are there before 9am the normal entrance will be OK. After that it will probably be closed off. But parking is available 400m down the main road at the Shaws Farm Road entrance.

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