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Duck hole, Centre track & 1/2 Terry Hills (full if batteries permit)

pikey's picture

By pikey - Posted on 18 November 2007

Wednesday, 21 November, 2007 - 19:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

3 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Duck Hole/Terrey Hills Trail
Meeting Point: 

Terry Hills Tavern carpark (High)


Training for the Ourimbah 8.1/4 race. This coming Sunday 25th Nov 07

Who's in?
pikey, Buck, Little-Ditty, Caro, Harry, Noel, Volker, lozza6 (8 riders)
pikey Buck Little-Ditty Caro Harry Noel Volker lozza6
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
lozza6's picture

Laughing out loud


Little-Ditty's picture

I will be there!! Smiling

Buck's picture

Nice one. Will try to make it on time Greg. If I can't then I'll meet you up half way or something.


lozza6's picture

Duck/Centre/Perimeter/Long would be ideal.

Bring a truck battery Greg? Shocked


pikey's picture

.... I've arranged an air drop at the end of the long trail Eye-wink

Little-Ditty's picture

Is that an open invitation for a shopping list? I can think of some more things to drop in for us (well, me) Smiling

Volker's picture

And airdrop a sixpack in for me! ... or a bottle of Bernd's home brew Eye-wink

Bernd's picture

can say, I need lights!
well X Mas is on the way...

Noel's picture

.. for these trails

lozza6's picture

Not great... but much better than doing Bantry Bay with them!! Laughing out loud

pikey's picture

....I think is /should be off limits for most as the % of spills is not good Sad

lozza6's picture

Ironically thats not where I stacked... but then again, its very difficult to stack it when you're just walking it Sticking out tongue

christine's picture

I have the lights that used to belong to George that go on the handlebars if you would like to borrow them - but i doubt they would last the whole night... let me know and we can arrange a 'drop off'!!

Little-Ditty's picture

Ironically, it's when you walk parts of the trail, particularly downhill, which is when you stack. Sticking out tongue Use your wheels dude! Smiling

christine's picture

isn't THAT bad! In fact, it kind of grows on you...
says she who complains every single time at the road crossing (mainly because it's expected of me!!)

lozza6's picture

Easy for you to say.... You haven't been riding for less than 3 months! Shocked


Stuart M's picture

than the 3 years since. Had something to do with more confidence, lack of knowledge as to what can go wrong. Unfortunately this led to some rather large stacks, some time in emergency (where the doc wanted to ultrasound areas only my wife should be near, ok except I landed on my head and back not my balls. Come to think of it he looked like a mate of Gazza so now I understand) All this led to a loss of confidence and hence alot more hesitation at what I will / won't ride

lozza6's picture

I rest my walking case Laughing out loud


Matt's picture

The only thing Stuarts comments point out is that you should know your limits and not go way over them. If you're not pushing your limits then it's just no fun, you might as well stay at home... You should be proud of having pushed it a bit and stacked, as long as you learn from it then all's good.

Can someone get this hook out of my mouth?

Stuart M's picture

And you are spot on the point I was trying to make. My problem is now a psycological one (one of many, I know) and not a skills based one.

pikey's picture

.... what or who was the hairy thing Stuart rode for three months Cool

Stuart M's picture

you promised to keep it our secret

christine's picture

they had me riding round there in LESS than 3 months!
you are lucky!!
I am happy to ride there with you one evening or weekend - daylight if you want to cruise about and see it's not THAT bad...

says she!

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