You are hereCalendar / Saturday 8:30 - an easy Manly Dam tour of duty

Saturday 8:30 - an easy Manly Dam tour of duty

Little-Ditty's picture

By Little-Ditty - Posted on 20 November 2007

Saturday, 24 November, 2007 - 08:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

1.5 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Manly Dam

To keep things nice and easy, lets have a cruisy tour of Manly Dam on Saturday morning. I will probably want to keep it at one lap... but anyone else is more than welcome to keep on going though! Smiling We can even check out the recent trail maintenance that was completed there.

As this will be fairly cruisy, all skill levels are invited to join in. Hopefully I will see you there. I will be in a blue Mazda.

Any questions? Contact your adviser, or call me on 0438 885 410.


Who's in?
Rob, pikey, craigs, Bernd, christine, Little-Ditty, Bruce, scottm8, ar_junkie, petulance, Steve 01, GeordieAndy, Gary, nate, Xphyle19, matanthony, anke13 (17 riders)
Rob pikey craigs Bernd christine Little-Ditty Bruce scottm8 ar_junkie petulance Steve 01 GeordieAndy Gary nate Xphyle19 matanthony anke13
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Ride Gallery
christine's picture

to make sure my fellow 'team member' doesn't jump of anything silly.. Smiling

Rob's picture

Can't help myself... just one cruisy lap? Eye-wink

Little-Ditty's picture

Just one. It's not like bike riding is all I have time to do... right?... Eye-wink

ar_junkie's picture

It will be my first ride since Fling... warm up for the enduro... Cool

Little-Ditty's picture

That was the main idea Eye-wink

matanthony's picture

Look forward to saturday guys and girls, I suppose one cruisy lap it is then.

Noel's picture

but can't commit yet.

Squidly Didly's picture

does this mean I can bring the big bike!

GAZZA's picture

only if you promise to do the 19th hole mate! Eye-wink

Little-Ditty's picture

Yes, you can mate. Someone of your skill and imposing physical prescence should have no problem keeping up on a big bike. But I doubt we will go searching for anything to jump off. Smiling

GeordieAndy's picture

Not ridden with you lot in ages (Marra Marra) so this would be good to get back in. It's my "home" track so I'm well familiar with it. See you all there if that's ok.

petulance's picture

I'll be there tomorrow. One cruisey lap. If it isn't raining.

Best to test my new riding position due to the increase in seat post height before Ourimbah.

matanthony's picture

Hi guys, its 6AM and it is pissing down with rain here in Randwick so thinking I won't be riding, does anybody know what the weather is doing around manly dam???

scottm8's picture

Hey guys, Im coming down from gosford for this ride, so i have to leave fairly early. its hardly raining here, im not sure what mainly would be like but if this ride is not going ahead and no one will be there can someone please send me an sms on 0402492995 telling me.



Rob's picture

Morning! Look at the weather page - no rain at Manly Smiling

matanthony's picture

Just spoke to liam and he's still going and the weather looks good over that way so I'm in for a ride for sure now.

Little-Ditty's picture

Yes, I am still going. Looks like there has been some rain about at Cremorne this morning, but nothing serious. Should still be fine to ride the Dam. Smiling

nate's picture

There's been a couple of showers down here in the last hour, things look a little damp but it should be ok for a lap...I'll see you there.

petulance's picture

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I'm talking about my seatpost height, of course ...

Raised the seatpost up by at least an inch and this morning's lap of Manly Dam felt like the most effortless one I have done. Maybe it was down to the cool weather, but going up the hill after the creek felt so much easier.

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