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JetBlack WSMTB 12 hours Syndey 2012

Brian's picture

By Brian - Posted on 25 July 2012

Saturday, 11 August, 2012 - 09:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

12 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Dargle Farm
Meeting Point: 

River Road, Cumberland Reach. From Sackville Ferry Road, heading North about 3.1km then turn right.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

You start at 9 and you finish at 9.
A whole day of mountain bike endurance bliss through pristine farm and bushland.

One of the best events of 2010 and 2011 this race is guaranteed to be a must attend in 2012. Just ask anyone who has been there about the bonfire, the Red Bull DJ, the track, the atmosphere, the JetBlack prizes, the Bernard finisher's beer or the friendly yet fierce competition out on the track.

You can camp out there with us Friday and Saturday night and there is a camping fee of $5 per person per night. Small kids are free. We will collect that fee when you pick up your number plate.

Racing options and categories

12H – Categories for male, female, mixed (if appl.): Solo, Pairs, Teams of 4 and Open 6, as well as Junior Team of 4
Special sub-categories – check out the Registration section for more category information about
Masters (40+)
Super Masters (50+)

Race format and who wins

Basically, the race is a relay-style race. Team riders of the first lap (who start the race for their teams) can after 1 lap hand over to the next team member or keep riding – that's up to the teams to decide. As soon as you ride 1 lap per solo rider, respectively per team, your time counts and is valid in the final results.

Mixed male/female teams: each team needs to record at least one female AND one male lap to be in the results.

The rider in the solo categories / the team with most laps (and shortest time thereafter) wins. If there are riders/teams in a category with the same number of laps, the fastest total lap time determines the ranking.

Who's in?
GAZZA, trailburner, CROMERBOY, muvro, Scottboy, tate, twotommos, craked, Ian_A, ps, morrisan1, jbrad (12 riders)
GAZZA trailburner CROMERBOY muvro Scottboy tate twotommos craked Ian_A ps morrisan1 jbrad
What Happened?

Blog entries about this meeting (as this is a race standings and times are shown, click on the title for more and to comment)...

Who Title Status Laps Time Pos.Gen. Category Pos.Cat.
Ian_A Dargle 12hr Finished 22 12:28:53 12

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
Scottboy's picture

be prepared for some fun , the weather the way it is the single track will be sweet & the ppl who have the legs will get a few more overtaking opputunitys this time round . See you some where out there on the tracks ????

twotommos's picture

Hope this weather doesn't translate to tomorrow's wonderful can rain and blow as much as it wants to today but hopefully tomorrow will be salubrious @ d farm....?

GAZZA's picture

the rain is just skimming that area.
Hopefully it won't cop as much as the east has?

GAZZA's picture

Who's in what team?
I'm a ring in for Marathon Mtb. A mixed 4s team.

craked's picture

mens masters,same team as last year,was going to head out there tonight ,glad I changed my mind!

Ian_A's picture

Team Remedy, riding male pairs.
I'll be the guy crying in the foetal position at around the 9-10hr mark wishing I could go to bed.
Probably the only guy stupid enough to race XC with 160mm travel as well.

Dicko's picture

Great results for the 4 Blind Mice - 3rd in category I see.

Sloany looks like you and Doc had a great internal tussle for fastest lap time as well - end result tie !

Scottboy's picture

I hope everyone who raced yesterday enjoyed my track work & trying too keep it free of debris and rideable for most ppl , in the future we might see more ppl to help out at track work days more hands make getting the track up to shape quicker , we all like to ride a safe user friendly track .

Brian's picture

Where are the results?

ps's picture

Results are up on the rocky trail website.

GAZZA's picture

Will be up to help for the next big event.
Was a nice track in the end and in good nick thanks to the dry weather and volunteers.

BIGnige's picture

Awww Gazza didn't know you were there....could have got that seatpost off you finally....!!!! Eye-wink

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