You are hereCalendar / IMBA Trail Building Workshop - August 18th & 19th
IMBA Trail Building Workshop - August 18th & 19th

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
There's a car park (click for foggy picture) on Springwood Road - just down the way from Hawkesbury Heights if you're looking for a suburb name.
Currently list
1) Tim
2) Michael
3) Mog
4) Wes
5) Rory
6) Kingy
7) Dagashi
8 ) Peter (Trim)
9) Andy
10) Todd
11) JP
12) Gilbo
13) J the B
14) Me
15) Lyle (TBC)
16) Jase
17) Jeff (Bush pilot)
18) Bop (Allie)
19) Jeff Cutter
20) Grant Byrne (TBC 11 Aug)
21) John Domeney
22) Kriss Heimanis
23) Gaby
Couple spots available and some potential drop outs prior so come along if you are available. Runs for 2 days
PM me your
Full Name, Email, Mob, Suburb ... dietary requirements ... BBQ supplied
Basic course outline
Power Point (PP) Session 1:
Ø Introductions, meet and greet participants
Ø Introduction to sustainable trail design
o Elements of sustainable trails
o Designing sustainable trails
o Using inclinometers to find sustainable grades
Ø Intro to building corners and turns
Ø Trail flow – the key ingredient
PP Session 2:
Ø Construction techniques
Ø Intro to trail armouring
Ø Australian creek crossings
Ø Trail Maintenance techniques
Practical Session – Onsite
Ø Tools and safety (OH&S and trail work)
Ø Rolling Grade Dips, Jumps, Pruning (for example)
PP Session 3
Ø More on how to build great corners
Ø Mastering trail armouring
Ø Intro to trail network design
Ø Australian signage examples
PP Session 4
Ø Advanced trail maintenance techniques
Ø Trail advocacy techniques
Ø Finishing trails
Ø Overview and close
Practical Session – Onsite
Ø Site specific works
Ø Finishing trails
General time breakdown:
Ø 8:30am – Intros and welcome
Ø 8:40am – 2 hr PP pres
Ø 10:40am – Morning tea
Ø 11:00am – 1.5 hr PP pres
Ø 12:30pm – Lunch + travel to site
Ø 1:15pm – practical session
Ø 4:30pm finish
folks who are keen on the tools often end up working through to 5:00pm!

Were you there and have a story to tell?
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Hi to all,
After going around the yellomundi track today (Fri 17th August) with Marty and Todd I thought it might be timely to put up a reminder. Every one that's coming to the course it would be great if they could bring as much of their own gear as possible, pick, shovel, rake, loppers, secateurs etc and don't forget water for yourself to drink (some hard work to do hopefully !) a hat, gloves, sturdy boots and long sleeved shirt.
Please bring whatever you have, it doesn't matter if you don't have everything and please bring it all both days so we can remain flexible for agenda/schedule or weather changes.
The ability to carry water to wet down construction areas would be handy too, I know Todd and I both have 9litre pump up pest sprayers that we'll bring, if others do too then so much the better.
Al, is this taking place on site at the trails or is there a meeting place in a classroom somewhere?
AFAIK It's both. Classroom mixed with some onsite hands on stuff.
We are trying for theory sat, prac on sun, but we wont really know until we get there, we have some work to do thats for sure, rock armouring, rock berms, making some small rollers etc.
We should accomplish heaps!
Unless the pest sprayers are brand spankers and haven't been tainted by poison, I'd leave them at home. Glassy has a 200 litre water tank on the back of his vehicle that might be utilised.
The venue is Lutanda Conference Centre 761 Springwood Road Yarramundi.
Saturday 18th – Start time is 8.30am sharp. Finish time 5.00 pm
Sunday 19th - Start time 8.30am Finish 3.00pm
Morning Tea, Lunch and Afternoon Tea will be provided.
Please bring sturdy shoes, long pants, long sleeved shirt, gloves and a hat for the field based part of the weekend. Also bring your favourite trail building equipment (McCleod, long handled shovels etc) for the Practical parts of the workshop. Note: All tools should be washed and clumps of dirt removed. We will also treat on site. Would be a good idea to bring your hydration packs to keep hydrated.
Well I really enjoyed that course. Big thanks to teh NPWS people at the Mundi putting us up for this.
Marty did a great job too of informing us and getting us all disucssing and learning.
What is also great is to see there is becoming quite a weapon of a team coming together that can lock in and build really great sustainable stuff with a potent team like efficiency.
Awesome stuff.
Very imformative, great to see everyone enjoying the course