You are hereInterval training does pay off
Interval training does pay off

5 Aug 12
Awaba State Forest - Red Loop
00:37:46 Reading some Mark Fenner stuff on training was interesting. It's obviously working as my times are slowly coming down.
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Mate, you're on fire! You've obviously been training hard that's a really quick time... Nice work
I wasn't even trying to go that fast. I think that just going 70-80% (for me) is faster because I don't blow up on camelbak climb or some other slight incline. Just plod away at a decent pace, not flat out.
If I tried to go flat out, I'd crash or collapse up camelbak climb!
P.S. Real training (thanks to Mr Fenner) is quite boring. But it does work.
I'm struggling to get just 2 hrs a week on the bike and even then it causes a backlash from the Minister for Fun & Finance!
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