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Suunto Clinometer

Hi Guys,
After the awesome workshop & prac stuff done on the weekend, it occurred to me that it may be a good thing to get our hands on one or two Clinometers. They're usually pretty expensive, but given my field of work, I'm able to get much better pricing on a range of stuff.
Now obviously, I'm not going to be able to get one for everyone, but if we want to get a couple for the BMORC group, to be looked after by key personnel, them I'm happy to arrange it.
Let me know if this sounds good, and if so I'll get onto it soon. As for pricing, I'll look into that, but it should be at least half of RRP or thereabouts.
What'cha all reckon?
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I reckon ... yes!!!
Be great if you could organise that.
I'm not sure what sort of accuracy you require, but have you had a look at the Smart Tools android app?
I reckon 2 would be perfect ... just make sure you coordinate with Chuck as he was talking of getting one as well
2 is perfect as if your working in pairs, you can cross check each others' reading.
BTW ... Mog's protractor readings were pretty close from what Nick measured on the contractor walk about the other day
I have the app "SeeLevel" for the iPhone, it's the best I've found that uses the camera and can measure in %. We compared the accuracy on the day to the clinometer and it was 1-2% different. For accuracy, you can't beat the tool itself.
I installed that Smart Tools app this morning, and while it certainly seems like a fun instrument, it only does degrees rather than percentages. I know you can work out one from the other, but the percentages are more accurate on the smaller degree ranges we'll be working with.
Haven't got an I-Phone though, so can't test that one. I saw your results Tim on the weekend, and although it'd probably get us through smaller sections, it might look a bit better for council/contractors if we're using properly calibrated & recognised tools
I've messaged Chuck to see if he's keen on this angle, or whether he's got the group another source. Hopefully he'll weigh in here soon enough
Well, it would seem that the Clinometers are done through a different distributor than every other Suunto product, so I may have a problem. I'll do some research this afternoon & tomorrow and see what I can come up with.
Will let you all know as soon as I do!
I've replied to Gaby and we'll work out what we can do. Either way we'll have one soon.
I'm happy to pay for one as I'll need it for my other projects
I'll sell you my protractor one with green string at a great price!!
Let us know prices if you can get them. I know I'd probably get one if we can bring the cost down to a dull roar.
lets stick to two if we can and just chip in money.
Local rrp is around $237 delivered or $145 + freight from the USA.
No wukkas Al.
Might do to grap these as well..
Righteo. So, through discussions with Mike & Al via PM, it's come to the conclusion that I'm going to grab the Clino's from the states, as the Aus distro won't cut me any slack
So far I'm going to order 2 for BMORC to use, and one for myself for projects around Sydney.
I'm going to order tonight once I get home, and I'm happy to order more if people want one for personal use for whatever reason. Essentially it should come to approx $150 per unit, depending on the FX rates at the time, and the cases should be about $10 - $12 per case, depending on what the shipping ends up costing.
If anyone wants one for themselves, please let me know any I'll see what I can do. I can't actually promise numbers as I don't know what their stock levels are like, but I'll certainly give it a crack.
While it's fine for clino only models... Don't forget that the compass/clino models come balanced for 5 different magnetic ones and ours (Australian) I quite different to the that will work well in the USA.
Yup, well aware of the differences in magnetic calibrations
Thanks Richard. I too noticed that some suppliers were selling regional models in the combined Clinometer/Compass units, but still good to point out for others that might be shopping around.
Also, we are buying the Suunto PM-5/360 PC Clinometer as it's the same model Marty from IMBA Australia currently uses.
The Clinos & cases have now been ordered. Will let you all know once it all arrives (either end of the week or early next week).
How much do we need to chip in ?
I got the shipping confirmation last night, but the charge hasn't appeared on my CC yet, so not entirely sure. As soon as I know, I'll let you know what it cost, and figure out how to charge it!