You are hereCalendar / CORC Scott24 2012
CORC Scott24 2012

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Uriarra Road, just up from the Uriarra Road/Coppins Crossing Road turnoff.
13 and 14 October 2012 at Stromlo Forest Park, Canberra, Australia.
Welcome to the 2012 Scott Australian 24 Hour Mountain Bike Championships.
We've Gone Global. CORC’s Scott Australian 24 Hour MTB Championships is the largest race of its type in the world. So the great fun and participation event that everyone loves is still the same, still at Stromlo, but now its part of WEMBO in Australia, Italy and the UK to provide regular world-level competition for 24 hour riders. But, to all Australian Mountain Bikers, its still "The Scott".
The HourGlass Course is Back. To allow for increased rider numbers, provide heaps of variation out there on the mountain, and make it less crowded for everyone, the 2012 Scott will bring back the HourGlass course from 2007, 2008 and 2011. This is the Red Lap and the Blue Lap. 2 Laps, 2 timing points, 2 transitions, 2 things more to chat about before and after the race and heaps more fun. When you finish one lap of the course, you are automatically transitioned to the next lap of the opposite colour. Sounds complicated, works simple. For the riders, it means that the field is spread out over 32 Km but you only ever have to ride a maximum of 16 Km in one go if that's all you want to do between breaks.
More Support Packages. Following on from their popularity at the world solos last year, Solos and Pairs can now book 3x3 Hoecker Marquees fronting onto the course (either fully fitted out or empty) to make their life a bit easier. The standard Team and Expo Marquee packages, with 6x6 Hoecker Marquees are also available. You can book and pay for these as part of your entry on the entry section of the website, or you can email CORC to request a separate booking, invoice for your company etc.
We have set up a photo album for you here where you will be able to view and download lots of info, such as road maps, course maps, an explanation of the HourGlass course, village plans and some general photos to get you ready for October.
There you have it. This site contains all you need to know to become part of Australia’s biggest 24 hour mountain biking festival, and we look forward to seeing you in Canberra in October

Blog entries about this meeting (as this is a race standings and times are shown, click on the title for more and to comment)...
Who | Title | Status | Laps | Time | Pos.Gen. | Category | Pos.Cat. |
Antsonline | The Scott - Jet Racing Report | Finished | 37 | 3 | Male 6 | 3 | |
Dicko | Scott 24 - Jet Racing Masters | Finished | 31 | 24:09:16 | 27 | 3 |
Were you there and have a story to tell?
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Getting quite excited about this race.
Jet Racing have a rock solid masters team entered, and the elite team will feature the odd 'guest' rider too.
We'll be in one of the trackside big tents, masters and elite, so please drop by, hang out, ask questions - and enjoy the music we'll be sharing
I'm also in a 'fairly competitive' masters team.
Could be interesting???
GAZZA, are you in a team of 4 or 6
I'm the slowest rider I think?
You're safe then, the Jet Masters is a team of 6
A six pack says we pip you on overall standings!
Nothing like a bit of friendly rivalry to get you motivated!
Who's the gun team then Bri?
I'm guessing Yourself, Paul S, Dicko????
...I love a game or two within the race.
Just going with 'overall' finish time is fun, but so far we have a few catagories within the team..
Fastest lap holder buys the drinks for the whole team at a dinner on another weekend.
Slowest lap holder buys the dinner.
This actually is a lot of fun, because its very hard to try and 'game' the system.
GAZZA, all will be revealed in good time
Yeah, we do the same with about 15 of the Manly Riders. Whoever comes last in the group in a major Marathon has to host a BBQ for the group and their partners. It brings a great social aspect to the races and keeps you on your toes.
@ Bri, I got some insider info on your team today mate!
Steve 01? You've stolen him from us!
@GAZZA, we have. It's going to be some good racing
Although I'm banned from riding at the Scott... I'd love to be there just to watch gazzas team take on Brian's team, and jet racing take on ... Well pretty much everyone...
Might have to watch the race from my computer and check lap splits etc.
This is going to be very entertaining....
Gazzas vs Brians - that will be fun. I'm looking foreard to that one too - I'm sharing a tent space with Brians team, so will see it unfold first hand!
Jet vs 'everyone' - that might be a bit of a long shot.
We are down a rider or two (one got married, the other broke his arm) so are just sorting out some 'friends of Jet' to help. We are one rider down at the moment, but hopefully by the end of today we'll have a team to be relatively competitive....
slowest lap, most individual kms and most in need of a massage post race
They've posted a trail preview of the 2 loops
Blue Lap
Red Lap
Start Lists are up
I just saw the start list, you are on a gun team.
...are looking very strong! You'll go close.
Jet Racing 'Elite' is hidden in there, as the team was unconfirmed.....
This is to be changed today as we are confirmed now..
Myself, Kyle Ward, Jayden Ward, Garry Millburn (all regular Jet team) will be joined by...
Jon Odams (renowned pinner from Bike Culture / GU, and all round good bloke) and also Justin Morris (Team Type 1 roadie, Marathon MTB, recent top 5 finishes at Woolombi and Kowalski. also - good bloke).
All the usual contenders are listed in the start lists, but I reckon we are gonna trouble the scorers with our two teams of 6...
Excited? Much?!?!!?
p.s. My new Lupine Lights arrived this morning. Did someone say "football stadium floodlight?"
Does it count if Jenny's team beats you?
If Jennys team beats me, or you and your team, the penalty is to run barefoot, and naked around a red lap.
I could handle the naked bit ( think I've done worse after a big night out?)
But barefoot???
Well it's that time again folks.
Someone just has to mention the weather and ruin things don't they?
Now this is from the top. Even God or, ( insert religious/non religious leader here) can't tell you the weather forecast as well as my contact.
I've been told there's a strong chance of a WET,COLD weekend next week in Canberra.
Sorry to spoil your fun but so many years of dry weather? Well it had to happen sometime?
With Canberra I wouldn't worry about what anyone predicts. Be prepared for hot, dry, cold and wet and maybe some snow. Knowing Canberra we'll get it all before the sun even sets
You team guys need to toughen up!
Gas Heaters - Check
Reclining Chair - Check
Polar Fleece Blanket - Check
No need to toughen up
So glad it's predicted dry.
A wet weekend would have changed the dynamics completely!
Red Lap Profile

Blue Lap Profile

at work. Just stoked to be racing this weekend!
I have 'good sensations' - this weekend will be a cracker. Some seriously fast riding, interupted by sledging, hanging out, and some sleeping.
Good times.
It gets a bit hard to concentrate at work with a big race on the weekend
As usual, just before a big race, i've had a killer week at work, heavy lifting, long days and shifting really heavy timber down the side of a mountain!
Jack hammering a bathroom apart tomorrow!
Thank God i've took Friday off.
I need a bike race so i can rest!
That use to happen to me , just Thursday or Friday before a big race: move those 50 boxes of tiles to the 4th level !!! ...or things like that . Put on your compressor tights on Friday and rest : )
So GAZZA, are you doing the opening lap?
Hope to be getting there early, setting up camp, going for a slow lap then relaxing with the compressions on
In my reclining campchair!
Bri, I think I've managed to palm the first lap off this time to a member of the team that's a lot better runner than I am. I've started so many times over the years, I think I deserve a rest?
Bikes nice and clean, will pack tomorrow night then I'm set to go
Sounds like it's going to be a cracking race!
Keep the rubber side down
Can't wait. Below is the team I'm in.
Jet Racing - Masters
Wayne Dickinson
Paul Sloan
Steve Knight
Matt Russell
Kane McLachlan
Brian Tracey
with a wet track it will be interesting lol
from the comfort of my couch and bed!
Good luck to all, with all this baiting it should make for a fun race and I'll be interested to see how it pans out!
The nobmob weather page doesn't look too bad. As long as it doesn't rain during the race (at least on my laps
) then I'm happy. At least it wont be dusty
mate lives down there & there is a possible chance of snow down to 800metres & very cold Sat night -3 degrees ? Very interesting if this happens .......
Does snow down to 800m mean on Stromlo? if it does, that would make for some awesome photos
There been some snow at Radelaide
Just done my food shopping - perfecto. All done.
The car to pack, a couple more rides to get done. Oh - and we found a new team-mate after we lost a man at 10pm last night...
Typical 24hr prep.
Snow would be amazing.
Food shopping??? My food shopping for the race will just involve going to the ATM tonight
...and then raiding my esky I expect!
Isn't that what these events are all about
Don't worry, I'll have my own drinks. Actually, I do believe Fiona is baking me some banana bread today.
Just a reminder to charge your light batteries
OK, everything is ready to go into the car. With the amount of stuff you'd think I was going away for 3 weeks, not 3 days
If I envy any of you with the weather as it is at the moment....
Its not raining in Canberra - its Sydney thats looking the bleakest!
The harder the better. There will people pulling the pin left, right and center.
If its wet, a quick change of lap strategy (longer stints in the saddle) and some proper bike cleaning in between.
Character building stuff
In other news, Jet Racing Elite is down to 5 men. There is no replacement to be found. If there are any Elite riders out that havent been phoned, facebooked, sms'd, or in some other way contacted by myself, Kyle, Garry or Jon Odams - then please hit me up. We'd love a 6th fast rider, but if its just 5 of us, then so be it......