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Training ride this Saturday?

With Kowalski classic comming up very soon, this weekend should feature a decent training ride and then taper for two weeks. Is anyone planning to inflict some serious pain upon themselves and wants to a to join forces to make the training extra fast and hard? I can only do saturday and plan to do 70 to 80ks somewhere. NOTE, this is completely non social. No stops, no waiting - just training.
Any one intrested? suggested rides?
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I was thinking of going Manly Dam, to Wakehurst Pkway, Bantry fire road and across to Cascades down Heath up Quarry, Snives singletrack then over to Terrey Hills and DH+ C, P & L, back via horse trail to BMX track, short road ride until left into Cascades again just after Bunnings and then out via Heath.
Unfortunately i can only do Sunday... and would probably be too slow for you anyway. That would make roughly 60km i think.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Nah, you would not be too slow - I may have worded it a bit badly to get the point re training ride across.
add flower gardens into that & I'm sure backtrack along a few places to get to the 80km mark
Surely your joints would rust up after two weeks tapering?
Has anyone got a Garmin overview of that longer route? I'm keen to have a go at linking up all the various tracks. I think I can figure it out via google maps/the rides listed on NobMob, but would find it handy to see how other's do it as well..
Is two weeks too long? A few years I followed a training guide, it peaked two weeks before the race so that's what I do. Half the distance one week before and a gentle spin with a sprint ending a few days before the race then carbo loading.
Is that not right?
Depends on how hard you've been training and what you mean by tapering. But here are some thoughts.
As I get into the last month to 6 weeks before an event (not that I've been doing any of late
) my intensity goes up but the hours drop back a bit so total "volume" (intensity x time) doesn't get out of hand and result in an injury or sickness.
Friel's mountain biker's training bible has a little table in it showing how much you lose in oxygen carrying capacity, strength, and the efficiency of various metabolic processes after 2 weeks of not training. You can lose quite a lot. I was going "Ah, that explains a few things ... {lighbulb moment}" ... it certainly fits with my experience. A week on the other hand can work really well to help you recover and lift after a hard block of 2 or 3 weeks.
My training hours max out at about 8 or 9, so armed with the above info I tend to limit my taper to starting with a high intensity workout on the Tuesday before a Sunday event (usually two evening spin classes back-to-back). Next ride is a short one (say 45 minutes) the day before the event (Saturday) as part of scoping out the course, with a few high-intensity bursts to blow out the cobwebs. Daily stretching in between.
Oh, and I found I need to limit the carbo loading to the night before the event or I end up putting back on weight that I worked so hard to get off.