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My first snake of the season

Being the snake magnet I am I don't do as much riding alone anymore out in the bush. So yesterday I'm just riding along clocking up km on the cycle way behind Prospect Reservoir when I stumbled upon this dude wriggling across my path.
It was in the order of 1.5m long, brown but actually looked more like a Red Belly than a Brown Snake as the browns usually slide with their head up. Anyway the picture was taken at a distance as that's as close as I could get (being petrified of snakes I was doing the whole adrenalin thing). It ruined my ride. Had to go straight home as every stick looked like a snake after that ...
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Can't say I've noticed that browns put there heads up any more than other elapids, ie they'll do it when actively hunting, but even then they use bones in their jaw to "hear" by picking up vibration off the ground so tend to stick their head up for a look then back down to listen and move on.
At that distance it's impossible to ID but it looks like a fairly heavy body so from your description I'd guess Tiger or Copperhead. Though it could even be a little diamond python
Not a python @Flynny, had a small pointy head not that big square jaw look of a python. Looked too chubby for a brown so maybe one of your other options.
saw one today but got closer than that!
Cool, just be careful going off head shape.
Something like the Broad Headed Snake, which are found around Sydney if you are lucky, has a, um,ah ,broad head yet is considered dangerously venomous.
Where as pythons like Black headed Pythons or water pythons, granted unlikely to be seen in Sydeny in the wild, have slender, pointy heads
you know that area along there is prone too snakes that is why there are signs along the way as far as Cumberland Hwy , a mate on here has seen them along there a few times as that is his ride everyday ..
This is just getting ridiculous!
I was riding along the bike path this morning at Greystanes just about to go under the Cumberland Hwy where @Smiley says the signs go to and here is a long brown coloured snake stretching the whole width of the bike path. I hit my brakes so hard I nearly went otb. I was 3-4m from this extra long snake (so definitely no pic's today!) when to my absolute horror it split into 2 common browns!!!! They must have been kissing as both heads looked up at me in the middle of the path and their tails were off the sides. There was that split second where they raised up a bit ready to challenge but then decided to bolt so they took off in opposite directions.
I'm starting to think full body armour is the answer to safe riding around my new area....
It's a sign. You need to come back to the Northern Beaches. Now.
Spot on @hawkeye. It may be a commute but after hundreds of Manly Dam laps and only 2 snakes spotted ever I think I'll spend the petrol money and come back there ...
me & the young fella 6yr old road , on the so called bushtrack trail behind Narragingy reserve in Doonside & a 1metre long black snack was sunning itself on the side of the track today the boy didn't want to ride the rest of it after Powers rd so we rode the pathway back to the car
I rode around Prospect Reservoir many times and still haven't seen any snakes yet and I don’t wish to see them either.
@Fatboy....I’m also petrified of snakes!!!
It was close enough, it was over 1m long goanna