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Wednesday Night Social - Knapsack

Muninjitsu's picture

By Muninjitsu - Posted on 01 November 2012

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Wednesday, 7 November, 2012 - 19:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Knapsack Reserve
Meeting Point: 

Glenbrook dirt carpark opposite the shops next to the oval.

We ask visitors to please park here to not affect the residents. Plenty of parking plus amenities.


This week we will head out for a casual stroll around knapsack, taking in some sweet single track and the new down hill section.
Meet at Glenbrook dirt carpark.

Who's in?
Muninjitsu, Drac, Username2
Muninjitsu Drac Username2
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Muninjitsu's picture

Date correction, the ride is this Wednesday night. Join us for an easy casual spin around some local fantastic single track.

bryangeorge's picture

Im in. bit of a newbie but keen to have a run.

Username2's picture

Il be there!! Maybe some mates too.

The Brown Hornet's picture

I'm in though the forecast is for showers and a possible storm.

Drac's picture

Forecast not looking good. But if not raining I am in.

bryangeorge's picture

missus has to work late so I am stuck with the kids. will have to do it another time.

Muninjitsu's picture

No prob Bryan.

Storms are ok, I will bring out the SS. 29er's are cleaned for the Fling.

Slip's picture

Unfortunately the wife's at a school info night and I've Got the kids. Will have to miss tonight but will be back next week.
I haven't riden the new knapsack and was looking forward to it.

The Brown Hornet's picture

I'm out. I just got home from work. I'm tired, hungry and I have the filthy shits and couldn't be farked getting my bike shit together. Have a good ride guys.

Muninjitsu's picture

Good ride guys, just remember the stop signs are there for our safety.Eye-wink

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