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Father + Son (or other family combination) Mont 24 team members wanted!

Looking for a father + son pair to make up a social team for the Brady Bunch Sixes classification at next year's Mont 24.
We have 2 dad+son pairs committed but the son from our other pair from last year is unavailable due to having to prioritise studies this year (a little thing called the HSC I believe).
I think we'd still qualify for Brady Bunch even with another two non-related riders at a pinch, but if we could get another family pair (mother/son, dad/daughter, brother/sister, aunt/uncle, grandad, cousins... hubby/wife) that would be awesome.
If you're worried about lights I'm pretty sure we can beg/borrow/steal something decent you for you to use.
Entries are filling up fast, so PM me your interest or text either me or Hans. Our contact details are on our profile pages.
[Mod. moved to team talk]
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What sort of riders are you expecting?
Is this a friendly type arrangement where you could hypathetically be happy to transition at the tent and get some sleep over night with nobody on trail or are you wanting to give it a good go?
Got a mate who has the same surname (he is a cousin
) that i could have a chat to about maybe doing it with you, but dont hold your breathe just yet
We wussed out and did night transition at our tents this year... it was too cold to stand round in lycra. Your call on night laps but they are part of the fun of the event
No compulsion to ride in the wet eother. There are no sheep station in it and we all need to go to work when we get back so its whatever each rider feels is their limit of competence - we don't want to push you in over your head.
We've had a few expressions of intrrest.
The track is non technical. Think Yellomundee lower section descent to river and back to transition. Some great fun flowy bits guaramteed to make you smile even at silly oclock in the morning.
Even if your cousin passes, if you're interested it may still be workable if you'd like to come
ok, it gives me something to think about
I got burned a few years ago when i entered. I joined a team to make up numbers and they wanted to give it a bit of a go and try make the full 24 hours with riders on the trail. They were never in it for the sheep station either but the reaction i got when i wasnt happy to ride at night was enough to make me feel pretty bloody rotten. I swore blind i would never do another 24 hour race again but if i managed to find a team who was only in it for for the fun of it i may be able to have my arm twisted.
I loved the night laps at sane hours, i just wasnt up to it at 3am after having 2 hours sleep that was all. I found myself getting more and more tired as i had to concentrate way too hard to stay upright. I bought Ayups and all for the event and only used them for one lap
A team of 6 would mean possibly 4 laps which would should be more than doable.
Leave it with me, but dont hold out for me. I will find out the dates and go from there. Contact me when its getting closer though if your after someone to make up numbers as it may just be the kick in the pants i need.
Is in the battery recharge tent. I hang out in there whilst awaiting transition. It was far warmer in there than back at camp.
All those LiPo batteries about to reach ignition temperature
Thanks for the tip Phil
Anyway, we've found our six team members. Thankyou to all those who indicated interest.