You are hereAlso late 2011 Fat Tyre (but quicker than last posted time)

Also late 2011 Fat Tyre (but quicker than last posted time)

philberesford's picture

By philberesford - Posted on 21 November 2012

18 Nov 11

1st lap here:

3rd lap I had bad stack, split my helmet, broke my glasses and gave myself quite a fright so eased the pace back after that.

Dicko's picture

Eased the pace back - is that what you call it Phil ? Any slower and we would have sent out the search and rescue !

Let the games begin ....

philberesford's picture

Dunno about Search and Rescue but if I had gone OTB two inches further forward it would certainly have resulted in a visit to the hospital for emergency facial reconstruction. I was railing it so hard on the edge and was sooo lucky my helmet took the brunt of the impact and not my face or chest.

It did shake me up tho, that's as close as I ever want to get. I was a nervous wreck on that last lap and glad I got the medics to check me out just to be sure.

But yes, let the games begin...

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