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Convict 100 Entry Category

Hey guys,
I'm 19, and currently about to register for my 2nd Convict 100.
I placed about 4:45 in 28th position, and I received several comments in regards to going into the elite category next year due to such an exceptional first race time.
I haven't done any other cycling races since the one last year, but I have been generally training pretty hard and think I can better my time next year by a fair amount, and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations as to whether I should register in the Opens or Elites for the Convict 100 next year if I were hoping to get a time under 4:30, and what particular advantage it would be.
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I would stick to your age category for now. One advantage of entering elite is you start first and you get to have your bottles left at the water stop.
Tristan, depends on what your objectives are - racing with the elites is great and you will be pushed quite hard and also get to see how these guys approach the race. That said, after the first major climb the field starts thinning out so unless you can keep up with the top guys it makes for a fairly lonely race. The main benefit I see with the elites is that you don't need to que over the bridge crossing and you save a couple of minutes on the bottle drop.
Racing open gives you a better chance of actually winning your category and there will be lots of guys to race with - if you are at the pointy end the bridge crossing will probably be less of an issue. From memory racing Elite also costs more so rather spend the money on an extra beer the night before!
Save your money, go with opens and when you place higher than some of the Elites - feel smug
I know you said under 4.5hrs but as a reference, 4.5hrs last year would have got you 5th in the Male Senior (Opens) category or 20th in the Male Elite category.
Tristan, I wish I was riding MTBs when I was 19. Most of us on here are a couple of demographic tick boxes higher than you (and trying to hang on to our fitness). I'm looking forward to see what time you can do, go smash yourself and have fun!
Thanks for the feedback. I think for what it's worth, I'll go in the opens and see how that goes. There wasn't any issue with the bride last year in my position so I doubt it would really benefit me timewise. I've got plenty of years to go, so I realize that my peak is still to come. The most it would save me is a minute if I refill my bottle twice, probably not even that. Registering now, hope to see you guys there!