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The Oaks - up and back

Chuck's picture

By Chuck - Posted on 30 January 2013

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Sunday, 3 February, 2013 - 07:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
The Oaks
Meeting Point: 

Glenbrook NPWS entry gate.

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Riding up and back on the Oaks. Pace will be social as we'll be on our old bikes.

Meet up at Woodford if you just want to ride one way, we should be there about 9:40, so catch the 9:23 from Glenbrook as we will roll out of Woodford by 10am.

Who's in?
Chuck, hathill, Ian_A, stephen, 0psi, Slip, Dutchy74, jbrad, miggle, colng (10 riders)
Chuck hathill Ian_A stephen 0psi Slip Dutchy74 jbrad miggle colng
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ChopStiR's picture

Hmmm, do you think my legs will get me back?

hathill's picture

As sure as our dodgy bikes will get us back Tim Smiling

PS - shouldn't that be "creak out of Woodford at 10:00am" ?

Chuck's picture

You can do it Tim. If not, just go as far as you can and then rest while you wait for us to come back down.

Dutchy74's picture

My dually is sounding a bit second hand after the oaks / ingar ride, so at least it feels like an old bike...

Chuck's picture

Cool Dutchy. It will be good to have you there just in case we need to send someone fast for help. Smiling

Dutchy74's picture

Ha ha. Don't count on me. I've bruised my ankle some how on the last long ride, so I won't be riding too fast at all. Besides, I think you descend better than me anyway ;o)

Ian_A's picture

I'll come for a spin, if I have a bike back together by Sun. Had a bit of a bad run lately with failures so I might not have a working bike.

Chuck's picture

Sounds like Lynette's bike needs another test ride Ian.

Dutchy, we'll make a good team. My left hamstring is still a little sore.

hathill's picture

Ian - you can borrow my clunker - oh oops forgot I'll be riding it.
Welcome back to the rat race.

stephen's picture

I'm struggling for a bike as well. Anthem in for frame replacement and the lefty on the SS is shagged.

Might have to bring the Proflex out but I don't want to hold everyone up with flats.

I don't know if ghetto tubeless with work with the cyclocross tyres because I have a massive flat spot in my front rim from last years BMORC Bash.

Chuck's picture

Should that be "Anthem in for frame replacement again"?

Odds are you will still bet us up and back even if you do get a few flats. Smiling

stephen's picture

Yep another frame but this last one lasted 2 years, I thought it would break at the top/seat tube like before and it was looking fatigued but cracked on either side of the shock to seat tube mount.

I should be right to come along, but doubt I would be beating anyone on this thing.

Ian_A's picture

Lynette will let me use her bike for the next 4hr if I have to but I wouldn't use it for a normal ride - with my luck, I'd break it.
Derailleur from CRC turned up today, still waiting on an Aus store to send out the new hanger......... They wonder why we shop overseas...........
If the hanger turns up tomorrow I'll put it together and should be good to go.

jbrad's picture

Hey guys, I wouldn't mind coming along. Jason

Chuck's picture

See you at the gate Jason.

Ian_A's picture

The Mighty Blue Rattler is back up and running. Hanger turned up this arv, fitted up with a new rear mech.
I'll be there as long as the rain goes away tonight and it dries up a bit tomorrow.
Don't know that the forks will survive the sniggle at the end but I can always go around it.
I'll prob park at the oval if anyone else is planning on doing the same, be there just after 7.

Chuck's picture

The weather will be great. The track will be nice, might still be a couple of puddles on the single track though.

The "Mighty Blue Rattler" is a baby. Surely the forks will survive the single track, just take it easy. It will be fine, and still twice the fun of the dirt road.

Ian_A's picture

It is still a baby really, only a few months over 3 years old I think. Its had a hard life though. The only oiginal parts left are the Frame, forks, stem and seat post. I've even managed to break a bottle cage on it and not by stacking it, it rattled until one of the alloy arms cracked through. Not quite as comfortable as the Remedy but at least this one is working.

Chuck's picture

Yeah I know how you ride, and now you know why I didn't offer you my Trance for the ride. Smiling

Dutchy74's picture

Rode the track today and it was fine, however that was well before the rain came. If it doesn't rain much more it should be a good ride. At least the sand and dirt will be a bit compacted.
Good to hear that you're coming Ian.

hathill's picture

This is as big as the BASH...............

I think you need a real steel frame Ian to cope with your riding style. You can make me an offer on the GT when I've finished with it on Sunday Smiling

Ian_A's picture

Yeah steel would suit me I think.
Not many people offer me their bikes Mick - not sure why? although Todd did offer the Evo for the last 8hr - would hate to break that thing on him though.

0psi's picture

If it's still raining tonight then I'm out, I've spent far too much of the last 12 months washing bikes!

I'll more than likely meet you guys at Woodford as I'll be riding up the highway from Springwood then down and back up the Oaks.

Chuck's picture

We should be good to go. It stopped raining here at 11am and the sun has been breaking through at times. We'll just need to check the single track first tomorrow, but it dries fairly fast.

hungryic's picture

hi, I haven't ridden Oaks for a while, and was going very early tomorrow morning. up and back from 630am. will we be able to cross the causeway at Glenbrook?

Dutchy74's picture

You should be able to. The causeway was fairly low when I went across yesterday and there hasn't been as much rain as there was prior to Friday. 24hrs of no rain and the creek lowers quite quickly.

hungryic's picture

thank for the reply.

Chuck's picture

PS. Please read the disclaimer. Smiling

Dutchy74's picture

It's in the fine print, in white text...

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