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Garmin HRM won't sync

My HRM has suddenly stopped working with my Garmin 500, cadence still working. I swapped the battery out in the HRM for a new one but it has had no effect. Any ideas from anyone?
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They don't last forever. Changing the battery didn't fix it so I bought a new one. Apparently the more expensive "looxury" chest straps are more prone to karking it, so I stayed with the base level one.
I bought a Bontrager HRM from Clarence St cycles, its not missed a beat (pardon the pun). Doesnt suffer from the spikes from electromagnetic interference the Garmin soft strap HRM did. Had it near on a year, havent changed the battery its been brilliant.
I assume if a non garmin replacement is Ant1 there shouldn't be any compatibility issues?
You're good to go!!
U may need to dick arnd with getting it paired for the first time. I let them do it in the shop. Make sure there are no other HRM's around when u do it as the Garmin will pick them all up. Happen to me when i was dickin arnd with the old one (cause it kept dropping out) just before the start of last yrs CP. Got every mans HRM, had to ride down the trail to get a clear signal.
Im in the same boat cambo. My strap is not working also even after changing the bettery. Not bad for 2 years old imo. Wadnt sure if i should try the soft strap or get the same as before.
When you install a new battery, you should first insert it reversed, it will short the connectors and reset the HRM. You then put the battery back in the correct way and do a rescan.
I guess there is no harm i trying that as i was planning to replace it anyway. Cheers
+1 what Kelfi said. I have a Garmin 500, battery on chest strap went flat, changed battery and it still wouldn't work. There are several forums discussing the fix Kelfi mentioned but sure enough I shorted it out installed new battery and it's been 3 months of working perfectly to date.
The new heart rate straps are shit IMO. They bunch up and lose signal.
I'm still using my old one from the 705 which is still going strong after 4 years.
Awesome, got home, took out the battery, switched it over, swapped it back and hey HRM back in action. How good is that
Ditto. Mine is working again also.
... hopefully not
That's very unlike you Hawk, no research before discarding something?
Found it !
The elastic strap was still good so kept it for a spare. Will have to try the reversing battery trick and see.
I'd assumed that salty perspiration had gotten into it and killed the circuitry - who'da thunk it?