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Parents & kids ride (Narrabeen Lagoon, part there of)

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Narrabeen Lagoon: The public carpark on the lagoon next to shops at the bus terminal on the left as you approach the bridge off Pittwater rd.
My 8 year old daughter Casey can no longer wait to be a member of NoBMoB therefore this Sat we hope to start a new trend of kids rides. I have chosen this ride as it is around 7km return trip and near dead flat (we can do shorter if younger kids tire), the trail hugs the lagoon and takes in nice bush single track. Casey and her brother Nic 13 have ridden it many times.
We are riding regardless.
If your lost contact me, 0431 703 266

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Hmm i may try and get my girlfriend out to this as i'm sure its a great starting point and she may enjoy it. Only thing is the only bike she fits is my tight, fully rigid singlespeed street bike, but am i lead to believe this trail is extremely intermediate Pikey? (as in the offroad/singletrack portion - i know the paths are fine)
Cool, it sounds like my better half is up for a calm loop of Narra' Lake, tho as i mentioned she will be on my rigid street bike so may be a bit slower than any suspended party members. Cafe stopover doesn't sound too terrible either i must admit.
Now all we have to do is keep an eye on the weatherman...
my hardtail for your gf if you want.
Don't know what the trail is like and if necessary but if you need a bike for the day ... no worries
Have fun!
Hi Starship303
On this trail there is no need for suspension, just a padded bum
Look forward to seeing you there. I'm in a burgundy landcruiser.
Great idea - I'd love to come but am still in Nepal until mid next week.
Very interested to get my boys more MTB opportunities - can we please organise another family ride soon?
Here are some pics from the local Nepal MTB scene:
Contact me if you want to get together for a family ride (my boys are of beginners to intermediate level, aged between 7 and 10)
Rgds, Hans
Your boys ride better than a lot of people here
Yes Hans I will be organising more Parent & Kids rides as I too have kids keen on MTB and to one day beat Gazza off the nineteenth hole on Manly Dam.
Hey Gary, Casey asked are your elbows straight enougth to join us on Sat? she still talks about your bike bouncing at the 06 NoBMoB BBQ, I think you might be her idol? (Oh Dear!)
still in noosa untill the 18th but will have to sort something out for another time mate. as for idols, i need all the support i can get. tell her i'll be back doing that stuff in no time!
That's a great ride. I'll have to steal someone's child to come along. Only point of note is to slow it down over the wooden bridges, they can be pretty slippy.
answered, i couldn't remember what date he was coming home!!! ha!
thanks Caro for the very kind offer. its funny as i currently have 4 MTB's sitting at home but one is needing a new chain, another is to big, but my better half will be fine on my street bike i'm sure, so its all good.
anyway see you tomorrow morning Greg.
keep an eye out for a little white NS Suburban or black Intense - thats us.
Arrgh! I only just noticed this. If there's going to be another one of these rides before the junior cricket season resumes (end of Jan I think) I'd really like to hear about it. My young bloke (11yo) LOVES singletrack. We have room on our roofracks for four bikes of any description, so if anyone would like a lift we're happy to oblige.
.... there will be more of these rides. We had a turn out of nineteen last Saturday morning. It was a nice lazy ride with Brians boy having the best stack of the day.
Even the girl friends and wives that joined the ride had a good time.
Next time we might arrange a picnic lunch after.
As for juggling sport and rides I too have Sat sport with the kids so maybe the next one might be a Sunday?
Till then