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Dirtworks 2006 Results

Well, the results are in, and it's a mixed bag. For my part, I'm not complaining too much. The general concensus was that despite having only 2 big climbs this year, it was overall a tougher course than last and I still came in half an hour earlier.
Leigh tops the table for the full course, despite being notified at the last minute he was in and doing no training!
Anyhow, congrats to all that took part! :)
Dirtworks Classic 2006 results for NoBMoBers:
No. | Name | Category/Place | Overall | Time |
686 | Dave | Single Speed Half/2 | 132 | 3:11:08 |
303 | Leigh | Veteran Male Full/135 | 323 | 7:50:49 |
455 | Ian | Masters Male Full/75 | 331 | 7:55:01 |
374 | Rob(in) | Veteran Male Full/163 | 379 | 8:20:20 |
295 | Justin | Veteran Male Full/172 | 400 | 8:44:16 |
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I'm a newbie here, lurking for a few months. I rode in the 100km (rider 455, masters male). I know I must have been within sight of Rob a couple of times (see below) and I'm guessing from the times that Leigh and Justin would have been nearby at some stage. I would have said hi if I had known!
This link is a virtual replay of the ride with Rob and my GPS tracks showing relative positions. If you check the Real TIme box, and click on the orange Race button, the start times will be staggered (veterans started 5min before masters). I looks like I must have passed Rob around the first big hill, only to be caught while fixing my second flat (2nd pause around 6 oclock on the map)! link prefers IE, and needs Adobe SVG viewer to work
My first Dirtworks and probably the hardest ride I have ever done.
Thanks for that demonstration of how you kicked my ass!
OK, OK - that's cool, I deserve it with such a pathetic time!
This MB thing is nice, huh? I notice you have their gravity thingo turned on, I have been talking about this on the MB forums and leave that stuff off 'cos it completely screws up altitude calculations.
I was feeling quiet good about the time for first 50Km (lap 1) but after that my HR droped markedly as I was clearly running low on energy - second 50Km basically took over an hour longer.
I had never done 100km off road before, and had no real idea how I would go. My HRM only worked for the first hour or so, long enough to get some idea that my pace was probably sustainable. I felt fantastic between 40 and 60km (aren't endorphins great!) then was totally deflated by my flat tyres (sorry about the pun, completely unintended). I began to feel it was do-able again once I passed that horrible hike a bike. The sandy sections before the Jack's track area were a major culprit in my time blowout for the second 50km, it was nearly impossible to carry any speed onto the next uphill, and my legs began to protest. In retrospect I carried a little too much food(completely uneaten) and only just enough fluids. Gummy snakes every 5km or so were great.
I had my 3rd flat with 2km to go, and just rode it out!
I hadn't really seen much of the MB site before you posted the profile. It's pretty cool. I realize that the gravity thingy stuffs the cumulative altitude, I turned it on to see how it went at eliminating a step in my raw data. My vista has a barometric alti, and I had the autocalibration turned off. At about the 65-70km mark I noticed that it was reading 30-40m high, so I turned the autocalibration back on. The resulting step in the data was eliminated nicely by the MB widget, but it seems to have doubled the cumulative ascent/descent numbers.
Just for fun I looked at the fastest masters time (5hrs 11min) then realised that even turning 50 (still a while off) won't help my ranking since the fastest supermasters was 5hrs 30min. Looks like a lot more training before next year!