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Bleeding XT 785's easy or hard?

cambo's picture

By cambo - Posted on 22 March 2013

Levers have too much play and are in need of bleeding. Is this a DIY job if you have the right tools or LBS?

What tools are required if DIY?

Mamil's picture

Pretty easy to do yourself.

You can get away without the proper tools, but in my opinion you might as well invest in the proper Shimano stuff to do the job - much easier and less messy Smiling

Start with a Shimano bleed kit which includes a yellow funnel (which screws into the bleed port on the lever reservoir to collect the oil), syringe, 4mm ID hose and a clamp to keep the hose on the caliper bleed nipple while you force the oil in...

Then there's the mineral oil itself. A 50ml bottle should be enough for a seasons worth of bleeds, but its cheaper in bulk...

And a yellow bleed block to put between the pistons to stop them coming out once you've removed the pads (which you should do - don't want the pads anywhere near a bleed operation!). This should come with the bike (tho' not many LBS bother!), or with a new set of brakes, but can also be bought separately...

You'll also need a 7mm spanner to loosen the bleed nipple on the caliper, and a 2.5mm hex key for the bleed port on the lever. Then just follow the instructions...

... which can also be downloaded from here -

wilso_ac's picture

Buy the Shimano bleed kit and it is a piece of cake.

Its about 100 times easier than bleeding Avid stuff

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