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Night Riding Advice

A few questions about night riding:
1. Do many people ride Manly Dam at night?
2. If I did a couple of laps of Manly Dam would I see anyone out? What are the chances?
3. Unfortunately it looks like I will have to ride solo as no one else is keen, what precautions should i take?
4. I know Manly Dam really but will I find it hard going at night?
5. Any other advice/tips?
Thanks alot.
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In order:
1/2. Yes or no, depending on the night, but nothing like a Saturday day ride. Sometimes I have been there and not seen a single other rider. Other times, there are loads. From memory, Wednesdays seem a little more popular. You also need to be aware that quite a few groups ride the dam in the opposite direction in the evening (not a major issue if all parties are aware and don't stare at each other as they cross paths, blinding the other riders).
3. I have ridden it solo on quite a few occasions. Apart from bringing all the usual spares and a phone, maybe let someone else know that you are doing it and check in when you finish each lap.
4. Depending on the quality of your lights, you may find it really slow (low end lights) or you may be circulating at the same speed as during the day. Cooler evening temps will speed you up and lack of visibility will slow you down. It is a load more fun though at night though.
5. Absolutely make sure that your lights are fully charged and test them in advance to understand how long they last. For the first ride, take it easy and play with the position of your handlebar and helmet mounts so that you can see all that you need to see. If you are constantly looking at a spot on the trail and it is dark, then your lights are pointing to the wrong spot. At night, you need to make sure that you move your head to see through corners rather than getting lazy and moving your eyes.
For me, the most dangerous time is twilight. It is dull enough under the trees that you can’t see the trail well but it isn’t dark enough that your lights are really doing a good job. I try to manage my rides so that I am arriving in twilight and setting off in the dark.
Most of all, just try to relax and enjoy it. I always get a real buzz from a night ride!
PS If you are the first rider through the trail in the evening, it is your job to clear all the webs on the single track! Also, watch out for the rabbits around the playing field. They go nuts in the light and you don't want to run into one.
Thanks for the advice. If people are riding the Dam in the opposite direction who has right of way?
Without hijacking your thread and starting a right of way debate, there is no fixed rule for MD. It does say somewhere (can't remember where) that it should be ridden in a clockwise direction, which is what about 98% of riders will do. Night riders tend to be more experienced, know that they are generally riding against the 'generally accepted flow' and will yield. However, it is always wise to exercise caution and be prepared to stop. Of course, a lot of MD is road, fire trail or fire break so, in a lot of cases, there is a load of room for both parties to keep moving.
1: Seems like it
Seriously, bring a phone and tell someone when you'll be back
2: I always ride alone at night and there are always a few other riders / runners / walkers out and about
3: Use lights
4: Not really (unless you forget your lights)
5: Next time you'll do it - PM me and I may join you for a few laps as I'll be frequenting MD at night over the next few weeks preparing for the Tathra race.
I go out early morning, 5:30/6:00 ish, it's still dark and I can get one or two laps in before my commute to the city.
If you're interested in joining, PM me and we can set something up. I'll be out tomorrow morning!!
As for your questions;
1) yeah, quite a few I think
2) I rarely see people before 6:30 (maybe a walker)
3) take your mobile and use two lights (helmet / handlebar) they light up different areas but also give you a backup if one fails
4) not especially, my PB is around 32mins, average day lap around 33/34, my night laps are around 38-40.
5) full batteries, go slow on the first lap, watch out for rabbits, if in doubt take it easier than you would during the day.
Just when I get set to do some night riding and become a keen bean nighty the rain screws it all up. Bummer. As for early morning riding altough I am super keen for that I just don't seem to be able to get myself out of bed before 7.