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Here is one for the Sydney commuters

This is a pretty cool vid from which has used actual random GPX to compile commuter routes to work.
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Thanks for sharing. I reposted to
Not my kinda thang, but that is cool. Congrats to all that participated
Looks great. Commuting to work on a bike is the only downside to working from home.
I wish I could ride to work.
Riding to work is awesome. Riding home from work is awesomerer!!!
Gosh...I need to buy a gps just so I can become a blue squiggle during my awesomeness
I don't have a GPS Trim. This fact does not diminish my commuting awesomeness. I'm going so fast I look like a blue line of light (kinda like Tron) to normal folk.
That's my blue line going down the M4, its a cool project cant wait to see the final result.
Riding to work is the only way i can get a decent amount of training time on the bike. Turns dead time in traffic into productive time.
Also lets me indulge my inherent sense of superiority as i whiz past all the smokeboxers trapped alone in their metal and glass solitary confinement cells
I'm happy in my ute, listening to the radio, safe in knowledge that if there's a massive down pour, I'll be nice and dry - unlike the poor buggers who got caught out on Wednesday morning!
*puts away stirrer*
Could be my blue line going down the M4
Unless I rode with you?
I was with a mate, we went to Norwest and I turned back to Mt can see the both of us going along
I thought it might have been you Ken. Maybe there was a couple of blue lines down the M4.
Nah, mate you still miss out.
Riding in those condition makes you a badass. It's in The Rules.
Although in my case it wull be a smelly badass. My shoes still haven't dried out properly
Just got interviewed by the guy who runs this morning at the top of Parriwi Road.
Wanted to know why I went via Mosman-Kirribilli instead of crossing over Spit Road and going via North Sydney, and videoed me answering his questions