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OMV Maintenance Day

Winco's picture

By Winco - Posted on 05 April 2013

Saturday, 6 April, 2013 - 14:00
4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Old Man's Valley
Meeting Point: 

End of Quarry Road, Hornsby.


Yes. That's right. There is no OMV trail fairy. So we need a couple of hours of your time if you are keen to help us maintain this great trail. If you have done this before, you'd know it is a great feeling to ride a trail you personally have had a hand in carving a berm or laying down rock armouring or trimming back plant growth.

Come join us to do some modifications and maintenance to the South Side trail. There are a few sections requiring stone work to stabilise the surface and drainage improvements. It starts at 2pm and runs until 6pm but come along at anytime and see the site Co-ordinator. Any contributions of time are appreciated.

Next Trail Maintenance Day at OMV
Sat 6th April • 2pm - 6pm (weather permitting)

If you have a decent sack/furniture trolley with biggish blow up wheels then bring that along to cart rock. Bring boots (steel caps ideal) and gloves plus don't forget a hat, sunscreen and plenty of water.

Please make a note in your calendar: future maintenance days will be the first weekend of the month (weather permitting)

Come and introduce yourself to Campbell, Noel, Craig, Winco, Adrian, Adam, Bill and Alex.

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