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Strava Android

I am a newbie to Strava and have a few questions I need answered, they are,
roughly how long should it take to sync a ride activity on my Android phone....mine seems to take forever, any ideas why ?
if it is because I have previous rides still on my phone do i need to delete rides to free up space on my phone, over time a person could have 100's of rides logged ?
if i delete a ride does my ranking on a segment leaderboard remain ?
how do you regular users of Strava manage your ride data ? what is the best way
Thanks heaps for you help
[Mod. moved to Geek Gear]
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I have similar issues at times, however I only use the app when I don't have my garmin. I always check the strava website and don't really use the app as a dashboard.
You shouldn't have to worry about deleting rides and sorry cant help you whether deleting rides affects your ranking, not something that concerns me I use it as a training tool and only worry whether I'm beating PB's for certain sections, climbs mainly.
Pretty sure logged rides are just stored temporarily on your phone until it's sync'd. Rest of the time it just fetches your data from the cloud. No need to delete rides. Rides take up hardly any space, a few megabyte probably.
Crappy phone, crappy data connection or huge ride will factor into the upload time, but usually it's just the data connection that limits upload. If you delete a ride, it will no longer be associated with that segment.
Cube3 has it correct, rides are not stored on your phone once you have uploaded them. They are stored on so dont go deleting them or you will loose it all. It should not take long to upload and your network coverage would play a major role. You really need a minimum of 3g. If your in a bad area for signal strength wait until you are in a better area before trying to upload or its likely to hang.