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Strava/Garmin help:- how do I separate an activity in two

I did a ride yesterday and forgot to reset my Garmin. I then went and did the Oaks this morning and it added it to yesterdays ride, including the straight line distance between the two rides.
Is there anyway of separating the two rides or even just deleting the first ride?
Here's the ride if that helps:
Here it is on Garmin connect if that's easier:
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Go to the ride on your feed. Over on the right is an "Actions" button with a drop down menu. Click "Crop Ride" and take it from there. Not sure if you can delete the middle bit and split into two, but you can certainly delete the first bit.
Actually, if it's on the Garmin you may be able to crop it, keep the bit you want then load again and crop/keep the second bit???
There is no way yet to do it yourself with Strava, but if you open a case they will split the ride for you (took about 3 days last time I tried).
Pancakes, I Googled how to crop the ride through Garmin and found this website:-
It's an awesome program, did what I wanted and will do heaps more as well. It would be a great tool for anyone planning a multi day trek.
Thanks for the reply, Kefli. Have a look at Garmin Basecamp it you need to edit your rides.