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What!! No beer means better times???

I raced out to StAlbans after work, registered and settled into the bunk accommodation that someone offered up at a property at the bottom of shepherds gully.
No beer and early to bed means that I got into St Albans early but stuffed around so then got to the line a little late, so I couldn't get into the first group.. Gotta love self seeding starts So I started in the second group.
The start was slow and the group was not going all that quick and after having a few "learning" words with some guy that was riding just plain dangerously in the group, (wheelies, flick turns and look no hands mum…?) decided that it would be safer up front and made my way to the front and actually led the "peloton" through to the start of the climb.
Settled into a pace and then started to find the back markers of the first group, got held up a lot after the first feed station, some very long long lines of riders that wouldn't ride technical sections at speed and dawdled through the single track parts. (my fault for not getting to the start earlier)
First 50 in about 2 1/2 and then a smooth run through to the canoe bridge, no lines this year so straight across and off into the hills again, thought that I may have a chance of sub 5 hours.. But the hills got the better of me, slow run down Jacks track due to some traffic and then an open run back into town for a 5:19. A big big improvement from my first 8:10 Dirtworks
No mechanicals apart from a dropped/jammed chain.
I think the race was not the same this year, I kinda think that Saturday has changed personality of the event? Killed the buzz of this race?
Anyhow back next year for a crack at that sub 5.
Missing out on starting in the first group.
Slow Congo lines through 30-45K's
Looking back and seeing hundreds of MTB's 50M back when I was smashing the road race to the first climb. (now that made me laugh).
5:19 then Beer at the finish line.
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Well done Obmal, great to keep improving on your times.
Well done Dave. A massive improvement on your first attempt.
No Beer ?? Carbo loading is part of the nutrition plan. Well done