You are hereFinally a sub 8min Bee's Nest climb!

Finally a sub 8min Bee's Nest climb!

Ian_A's picture

By Ian_A - Posted on 07 May 2013

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
7 May 13

I've wanted to crack the 8min barrier up Bee's Nest for a while now but never managed it. It is one of the toughest climbs around.
2 years ago sub 10min was unthinkable and just clearing the climb was awesome.
The planets alligned today and I had a good crack at it.
Got in by 1 second! Woohooo!
I might still be 50 seconds off Big Dog, but he's in a different league.....

Chuck's picture

Wow, great effort Ian. Was only thinking today that we haven't done Winmalee in a while.

stephen's picture

Nice going! I haven't ever had a good crack at bees nest.

The call of Strava is strong but I must resist!!

trim's picture

Wow Ian, bloody briliiant for someone who ain't built like a climber!

shano's picture

Mate thats nice solid work there!
I remember trying to ride up it years ago...if you can climb the Bee's Nest you can climb anything!

Ian_A's picture

Thanks guys - its a pretty tough climb.
I guess I'm not your regular climbers build Pete - maybe if I lose 20oddkg? A bit of weight probably helps hold traction on the final steep techy section.

ChopStiR's picture

Well done!!!

Vinno's picture

60 seconds off Big Dog up Bees Nest is still in a different league to the rest of us Ian good work.

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