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OMV at night

Can I check in with the powers-at-be...can one do night rides at the new OMV track in Hornsby?
[Mod. moved to Sydney (North)]
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It's states so on the main trail head sign. Supposedly not between dusk and dawn but who's gonna stop you?
Don't give the local neighbours any reasons to have this place closed, it's hard enough getting places to ride!
you could always organise a 24 hr event'lll be able to roide at nigh....if you enter the race.
pleny of room to put up a tent.
err.... maybe not.
Winco, it's really not ok to break the rules. It took a lot of people many years of hard work to get the OMV tracks approved and built and other councils are watching closely, so we need to be on our best behaviour.
The sign is pretty clear and its up to us to honour it.
OMV is still on "probation".... trial, call it what you will.
We have phase two yet to start, and disregarding the rules is going to jeopardise it by giving the anti-fun jobsworths the exact ammunition they need to shut it down. Not to mention embarassing our supporters in council who pushed for us and persuaded their colleagues to do the facility in part because we're a responsible lot.
Night riding is controversial enough with the armchair environmentalists up in arms over not much at all. Please lets not add fuel to the fire by doing it where it's clear we're not supposed to.
Word gets around. Bad behaviour here even by a very few tells people we say one thing and do another, which puts at serious risk the other projects in the pipeline in Sydney. For those working on our behalf it gets very frustrating and causes them to burn out and give up in disgust.
We want more of this kind of trail, yes?
Well said Hawkeye.
I want to add that i'm not pointing fingers here, I'm least entitled to do so.
I'm led to understand from reliable sources that - being the first official new trail in over 10 years - our behaviour as a group is under close scrutiny by lots of land managers and interest groups... some of whom may not be that friendly and others whose minds will be very difficult to change if the get a bad first impression.
You may think no one will notice if its only you. That might be the case if they were looking the other way.
They ain't.
Finally, and not least, residents are very close to the trailhead and noise carries at night. Lets be considerate, yeah?
Absolutely not and I don't think anyone should try getting away with it either. This is a trail close to residents who are already claiming that mtbers are swearing near their houses, urinating in the bushes and dropping rubbish out of their cars. Those that don't give a toss about the years of work that's gone into getting access and don't really are if the trail is closed and don't care if we don't build anymore trails in the area could probably try riding at night with lights.
An apology is in order by me to everyone who has read my post above. I made an error of judgement with my previous comment and wish to state I was a right plonker for making it! In a moment of keyboard madness, tongue in cheek mind you, I responded in typical bloke fashion without engaging the old grey matter. Slash, JP, Hawkeye & BobaFett - you are all spot on with your posts. It was irresponsible of me and I can't even say I was inebriated at the time as an excuse. I wasn't!
So - no. Please don't ride OMV after dusk until we hear from council otherwise. One day, I'm sure it will be approved to night ride. Just not yet.
I must admit given winco's trail status updates for OMV and continual pleas not to ride there when the trail was closed over the last few months (do a quick search) I was surprised to read his comment r.e. night riding there. I put it down to sarcasm/irony not translating well on the Internet, a mistake i would bet alot of us have made (on any given topic) over the years.
Winco well done for apologising, im sure most of the guys here will accept the apology and move on. You've been vocal in your support for obeying the local OMV rules - goodonya.
Rightio back to watching replays of the Giro D'Italia - shame the big mountain climbs this weekend have been taken out due to weather but I guess that discussion is for a forum other than this one
Thanks everyone.....good to check it out in advance and will comply of course!!!!
Hawkeye is correct in saying that the partnership between Hornsby Council and the MTB group is being watched by others. I had it quoted to me by NPWS Hawkesbury recently when discussing their partnership with WSMTB over Yellomundee RP.
Keep up the good work on OMV! It all helps give us leverage with other organisations.
Ray Rice