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Specialized vs BMW
I've often read the stories on here about incidents involving cars but I've been lucky enough to stay out of trouble.....until this morning! I was heading along William Street towards the city in the bike lane and as I'm sure most of you will know, the downhill run from Kings Cross and the heavy morning traffic means that you are normally travelling at a similar pace to the cars.
A guy in a BMW edged slightly ahead of me and then about 10m from the junction with crown street, decided he wanted to signal and turn all at once. Even my newly fitted XT discs couldn't pull me up in time as he swang in front of me so I gave the back of his BMW a firm Specialized kiss. I pulled over to the pavement and expressed some choice words with the driver about using mirrors and indicators, especially when turning across a cycle lane.
I maybe should have been a bit calmer (the adrenaline was pumping by now!) but I didn't expect the guy to lay into me like he did "you F**king cyclists are all the same"....."you need to keep your distance from the cars"......."you've damaged my car" etc etc
He was so convinced he was in the right and I was in the wrong that I began to doubt myself. Maybe I was wrong cycling along the bike lane at a similar pace?? After a few minutes, a taxi driver who had seen the whole thing unfold came over to make sure I was ok and confirmed that he did indicate extremely late and turned right in front of me.
So, to the kind taxi driver who came to help, thank you.....and to the lovely BMW driver who was more concerned about his body coloured bumper than the welfare of the cyclist he nearly ran down, I hope you have a nice time trying to get the rubber mark off!
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Hope you're ok stevieG.
I have ridden on the roads in years because of the ignorance of Sydney drivers. I will say though that when I did, I found the cleats on the bottom of my shoes very good at emergency stopping against the side panels of drivers cars that are blind to all but themselves
Most importantly, how's the spesh?
Ive been lucky myself so far, touching wood. Ive had cars pull out in front of me and recenlty I had a car overtake me then pulled over to park. Very frustrating, we must be like little ants to so many.
I'm fine thanks Kitt, was just a little rattled at the time!
The Spesh (Lizzie) is fine ChopStiR - she's a tough girl! Knocked the bars around 20 degrees or so but nothing I couldn't fix with the multi tool
I have a similar story involving an incident with a car. The vehicle pulled straight across a bike lane (which looked suspiciously like a foot path to anyone not familiar with the routes), with the shrill noise of an elderly mediterranean lady "oooo,,,ooo" as I landed on the bonnet of the car.
In my case the occupants of the car were also completely convince I was in the wrong, and also were very worried since I was riding a bike I would not be insured and obviously did not have a job or any money. I supplied my phone number and rode off to their objections that I had not provided photo ID.
Since I wasn't injured and the bike wasn't damaged I didn't make a statement to police or to anyone. After a phone call from a family member (also convinced I was in the wrong) I supplied address details.
A month or 2 later I got a letter from the insurer asking me to nominate my insurer. I didn't reply since I wasn't covered. Then a few weeks later I got a letter saying they had assessed the incident and concluded I was in the wrong and please pay an amount of $2500, but also supplying me with contact details.
When I phoned the insurer I informed them I was going to contest the matter, and the accident was caused by the drivers failure to give way. He was very polite and just asked me to make a statement (no affidavit required, just my version of events) so they could re-assess the liability.
I didn't hear from them for a couple of months so I rang again. The insurer informed me they were taking the matter no further and I won't be hearing from them again.
The insurer was completely neutral in the process and they didn't take sides at all. I guess they are always weighing up taking a matter to court and just won't let a dispute get to that if there is a decent chance they will lose. My only advice is to write your version of events down now and expect to have to provide it at some time in the future, but for now the matter is out of your hands.
The only thing it made me think was what would have happened if the incident was my fault and the vehicle I hit was a Bugatti Veyron - maybe its time to look for some 3rd party property insurance.
Glad your ok. No matter how minor the incident it shakes you up and I found myself shadow boxing out on the road the next few times I went out - it was like all the cars were coming at you.
Being unfortunately experienced in this matter (aka being a sh*t magnet, it seems ) I make sure I get witness particulars immediately, and if I'm downed, call police immediately. Any injuries, call for an ambulance and be honest with the triage nurse on the phone and they will assess priority, so no need to feel guilty about potentially tying up resources away from more life-threatening cases. (They will pull up stumps and head off if one develops in the meantime anyway).
Each case where there's been contact, I've involved the police at the scene and the driver has been TIN'd. That has helped make the process of my claim against the driver so much smoother.
However, the day may come when the mistake is mine and not the driver's. For that reason I am a member of Bike SA, as they provide $20m public liability cover nationwide, and their fees are pretty reasonable. (People say you have public liability cover with your home insurance, but that in my experience only applies to the situation at risk, being your home.)
I also run a couple of GoPros, one each facing fore and aft. Especially when the forward one is fitted conspicuously to my helmet, it seems to have the most remarkable properties as a bogan repellent.
What is it with BMW drivers lately....
I was heading down Griffin rd coming from DY beach into Curly, and a BMW driver pulled out at the lights. Must be a turn left on red there or something, either that or she came through a red light. Pulled straight out in front of me, luckily I saw her from a ways back and had that sence she was going to do something stupid and started washing off speed. Thank god I did, I had to swerve onto the wrong side of the road to avoid her. She didn't even acknowledge she had done anything wrong...
I am a fan of BMWs, but if it means I've got to drive like a dick if I own one, then I'll stick to a Holden. lol