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Wet weather training option

jp's picture

By jp - Posted on 30 June 2013

I've never enjoyed using indoor trainers, but I recently discovered that my local 24 hour gym has spin bikes and virtual "classes on demand". You select a ride, and the road/ trail appears on a huge screen in front of you while a narrator tells you how hard to set the resistance and how hard to push yourself, depending on the program. There are advanced hill climbs, high performance sessions, moderate sessions, interval rides - you choose what you're up for and away you go. Most rides are in the US but there are a couple in Italy, and quite a few are off road (eg White Rim trail in Utah).

It's far from the real thing, but I have to say I'm really enjoying these sessions and you can get a pretty solid workout in 35 mins. Or do 2 or 3 back to back if you really feel like smashing yourself.

Looking forward to the trails drying out over the next week or two, but for today I had to settle for a high intensity session in Yosemite followed by a hill climb in Northern Italy.

GAZZA's picture

I used to hate indoor trainers till I bought a Virtual reality trainer.
A few months ago a spent 4hrs on it on a rainy day climbing 3 major cols in France!
Bloody marvelous this modern technology!

jp's picture

4 hours... That's a huge effort.

Rob's picture

Yeah... try doing that for real Eye-wink

GAZZA's picture

Outdoor riding is just too easy! Eye-wink

miggangelito's picture

which bran o model you bought? I like to get one trainer fro this season. Smiling

GAZZA's picture

The software is ridiculously glitchy but once its all sorted its awesome.

Logan's picture

its all mental, I did 60km on the turbo this morning.

No video needed.

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