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Mt York Mash-up

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Sunday, 11 August, 2013 - 09:30 The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
4 hours
Come Rain or Shine:
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry:
Mount York Meeting Point:
Lawson's Long Alley Car Park (first trail head on the right as you drive down Mt York Rd), or the bottom of Victoria Pass if you want to add an extra lap of Berghoffers into the mix.
EDIT: Changed to the 11th
It's Winter time, and Mt York is calling.
As a minimum, we'll go down Lockyers and Up Lawsons, but we can choose to do a few other laps, depending on fitness and motivation.
Maybe even a beer and burger at the Mt Vic pub afterwards.
All welcome.
Who's in?
Gilbo, Flynny, Andy Bloot, Isildur, J the B, wazza (6 riders)

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Ah bugger! Unfortunately that put's me out! If it was on the Sat then I'd be in like Flynn, but alas, I will have to miss this one
have a cracker gents!
Any chance of making it 11th
Was going to message you as we were discussing early August
Got to be in Sydney that day
11th I think would work for me too. No worries if not though - all depends on the majority
Seeing as you two were the ones you wanted to go, I'll change to the 11th if you confirm that's good with you Gaby.
Woohoo. 11th should work for me too
Cheers buddy! The 11th it is!!
A few of the ctmbc guys are keen and we might throw in a down coxes up lockyers for those still keen at the end
Good timing bumping into you today Jim. Ill be heading up the mtns for this one.
Haven‘t been to Mt York and have heard it's pretty good so if nothing else is planned I‘ll come along. May need to catch the train though... it gets to Mt Vic at 9:40... would that be an issue if we were to start a tiny bit later? Otherwise I‘ll get the previous train and do Hanging Rock. Will let you guys know, would like to give it a go.
Cheers, Tristan
We could either start at the bottom of Berghoffer at 9.30 and met Tristan at the top or we could muck around on the single track up top until he gets there. We could ven ride out to the look out and back while we wait... so many options....
Cool, I'll let you know whether I'm in when I know how things pan out. What are the temperatures like at Mt Vic ATM as I'd guess it's pretty chilly!
Are we still on for this?
Weather forecast is for a sunny 16 degrees, but it usually doesn't warm up till later on in the day. It will still be chilly to start with, I expect.
I'm planning on getting there just before 9:30. Tristan, if you're coming, and are turning up around 9:45, we can wait for you, just let us know. I'll PM my phone number and you can SMS me when you're on the train, so we know to wait for you. As Flynny said, we can do a warm-up lap of Berghoffers or doodle on some sniggle while we wait.
See everyone else at the carpark for the Lawson's trailhead around 9:30.
Cool, I'm going to start at the bottom of berghoffers at 9.15 so I'll meet you at the top.
Anyone want to meet on the hwy at Blackheath for a car convoy
meet 8.45
How long does it take to get up there?
10 minutes?
Gilbo and I'll be leaving the Blackheath pie shop around 9:10 or so.
Ah shit, sorry guys but my hand and rib haven't healed enough to ride yet (had a rib-breaking OTB 3 weeks ago, damaged my hand). I meant to let you know last night, but had a function on so didn't get a chance.
I hope you have a great ride gents! Totally wish I could be there...
No worries Gaby. You missed out on an excellent day's riding, but sounds like you had a pretty good excuse. Hope you heal quickly, though, sounds nasty. Haven't done a rib before, but if they're anything like collarbones, I'd be going to functions and helping myself some amber liquid painkillers, too.
Cheers for the ride guys. The kids loved the bit they did (apparently have had mandy shuttling them on the gun club DH all day since)
great day on the bike
Cheers Jim. Yeah, the problem with a rib is that there's really nothing you can do. And don't talk about laughing, coughing and the worst - sneezing!
Should be all good by the time I depart for Canada though, which is the important thing!
Glad to hear you all had a great day. Next time for sure (barring, of course, any injuries between now an then!!)