You are hereCalendar / Bloot' s 'remember the ol' days' northern beaches ride

Bloot' s 'remember the ol' days' northern beaches ride

Andy Bloot's picture

By Andy Bloot - Posted on 10 July 2013

Sunday, 18 August, 2013 - 09:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

6 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Manly Dam
Meeting Point: 

King Street (near corner with Arana Street), Manly Vale. You know - outside Manly Hydraulics Lab.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

Ok peeps
Been talking to Lozza and decided that a catch up ride with as many of the old crew we can muster is in order
Note that anyone can come, (wives, kids, mistresses, noobs etc) but will have to endure endless reminiscing and not much riding lol

If people like Gazza and B. Tracey can get some time off their hectic racing agenda that would be good
And Rainton of course - Hans' presence is compulsory so hopefully he's back from OS or i may have to wear my Hans mask
Not sure who else is around here, but the more the merrier

We've chosen a Sunday so Dad's can come and maybe go for a drink afterwards (I have a long drive home so will need a couple lol)

This will also be shared by PM and FB so hoping to see a few of the old heads

Note that this is August 18, so clear your calenders and come and watch Bloot crash just like the old days

Who's in?
pikey, Heckler, Peter R, shano, Buck, evan, Little-Ditty, Caro, GAZZA, Bruce, Gilbo, Andy Bloot, GeordieAndy, Carlgroover, Damien, lozza6, hawkeye, Hans, Eyeball, Dibbler, Steve C, OzMoT, StanTheMan (23 riders)
pikey Heckler Peter R shano Buck evan Little-Ditty Caro GAZZA Bruce Gilbo Andy Bloot GeordieAndy Carlgroover Damien lozza6 hawkeye Hans Eyeball Dibbler Steve C OzMoT StanTheMan
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
kitttheknightrider's picture

I remember those days

Will confirm my attendance closer to the date, will depend on kids Sunday sport and boss's travel.

Bloot, should we organise a spare bottle of Stan's or maybe some rubber padding for your brake lever?

shano's picture

Good call Bloot!

Gonna book a bbq down the dam? Smiling

Harry's picture

I'll be in Sydney on 13 & 14 and may head back down on the Sun.

Remember the first ride with you Bloot, was both our first rides with the Mob and it was at Terrey Hills - around Easter 2007

Brian's picture

Andy, I'll confirm closer to the date but should be ok

GAZZA's picture

Ill let you know but I should be good to go.

Andy Bloot's picture

@ Stu - will wear my cricketers box to avoid any repeats of past embarrassing accidents
I'm being reminded of wonderful times past already

@ Harry - your memory serves you well my friend
6 years ago. Blimey.
Who else was on that ride?

I remember Shano on one of my first rides out at Marramurra
on a Kona I think it was
Junkie was there as well - he's off chook farming now I think Sticking out tongue

C'mon Gaz. may be my only opportunity to see the 73kilo version of yourself
Bring your boom box and your stiff little fingers CD
You and Brian can race each other around the car park to a punk soundtrack

Should be a good turn out - a few on PM are coming as well

Still undecided on where to go

GAZZA's picture

I'm a 99% certain!

lozza6's picture

It was the carpark race that sold him! Smiling

I'm looking forward to this!! Laughing out loud

Manly Dam and we can do a post ride BBQ afterwards?

Carlgroover's picture

I'll be there, it has been a while since a good number of the old mob got together.

The post ride barbie sounds good to me too Smiling


Eyeball's picture

Good call Mr Bloot!
Thanks for posting the ride. See you at either trail.

Peter R's picture

Gday Andy, long time no see!.
I should be good for an early ride. looking forward to catchin up. Bruno me faithfull trail hound is 8 now and has recently had both knee cruciates replaced (who needs a new bike anyway) and still runs like the wind....just for not so long.
did anyone say creche?

Andy Bloot's picture

Cripes - with a few from outside the forum as well we are nudging close to 20 with a few undecided
Some people I haven't ridden with in almost 5 years or more I reckon - great to see

Manly Dam is the venue - we may have to clear this large group with council and wear special reflective bottom patches lol

Now you could never accuse me of being organised
You would only need to look in my underpants drawer to see that
But I will attempt to book a place at the dam for a bbq after a couple/ few laps
It will be BYO obviously - all that barbie type stuff

Oh, and starting time is around 9.30 (leave Wenty at 7.30 is early enough for me)
Keep typing in 09.30 but converts to 'all day'

Hope to see a few more of the old heads pop up before then

Brian's picture

Say's 9:30 now Eye-wink

Andy Bloot's picture

So it does
Bloody noobs got no idea Sticking out tongue

Andy Bloot's picture

Area 1 Table 8
Apparently close to the kids play area
Table is uncovered and has an electric barbie
It's $45 for the whole day so maybe a gold coin donation to the old Blootster to cover costs

I haven't ridden the dam in about 5 years
But we can do as many laps as we like until we get hungry
Some can head back and some can ride on

Should be a top day to catch up with a few old heads Sticking out tongue

Hans's picture

I'm glad Barbie is coming

Scottboy's picture

I believe that was taken at the Mont a few yrs ago when I marshalled I think ?

hawkeye's picture

That's what happens when you ride behind Hans when he's been out on the schnitzels the night before Eye-wink

Andy Bloot's picture

Lol lol
Better watch out posting up the old photos, Hans
Stuart will delve into the archives for the 'controversial' ripped nut sack shot
Actually, I think I still have that somewhere....

kitttheknightrider's picture

archives? I've heard it's his screen saver

StanTheMan's picture

I could cope with something like that.

we did the very same thing last weekend. have a BBQ. do a lap. tell some lies & do another lap

proly bring a few kids as well. Have no problem with a gold coin donation

StanTheMan's picture

was trying to post an image in here but here is the shortcut to it

Its the map of Picnic area 1

Andy Bloot's picture

Thanks Stan - see you there

Yes, Stuart did have an odd liking for a photo that would get most people to sell their bike and buy a set of golf clubs
Nice to know that he still has fond memories of me though Sticking out tongue

bikemad's picture

I could make it,but will be still here in the snowies!Would be great to see all the old riding crew-i remember a menai ride were you ingeniously repaired something on your front wheel by putting a cable tie through your spokes onto your fork and were quite bewildered as to why your wheel wouldnt turn!!Carlgroover gave me extra water when we all got lost coz apparently a case of beer dehydrates you!

Andy Bloot's picture

Yeah Matt - Bloot ingenuity at it's best there
And you riding with your regulation hangovers

Would be good to catch up
You still there in November (Sunday 10th to be precise) or do you cuff off at the end of snow season

bikemad's picture

But am enjoying riding way more since i gave up the booz! Not sure were we will be by november am thinking maybe new zealand for some riding.....

Brian's picture

Looks like I'm now going to be away Sad

Andy Bloot's picture

Picnic area booked and weather looking primo for Sunday
Obviously the funny lord has realised the cultural significance of the day and set the weather accordingly
A bit of rain on Saturday to keep the dust down and Bob's your uncle
I'll try and make an early break from up here to get there before 9.30

Over 20 peeps apparently - will be like a school reunion but I avoid those like the plague

Council will kindly close the Dam for the day to anyone not associated with this ride
They feel that a large, unruly and unsightly mob such as this is bound to bring the sport, and council, into disrepute
And they wisely wish to wash their hands of the resulting controversy
I want to stress that no threats, intimidation, blackmail, or money changing hands is behind this decision
But Terrey Hills and Red Hill is still open, so not to worry Sticking out tongue

And don't forget the gold ingot donation for the Bloot memorial fund
Failure to do so will result in bike confiscation and public humiliation (possibly execution)

Please bring your slabs of dead animal carcass for the BBQ
Don't forget your sense of humour as well, because you need to make up for my lack thereof

And Gaz, bring those XT's mate - I have the spandooglies here waiting for you

Gonna be good to see a bunch of the old heads again, so see ya's there

Caro's picture

See you tomorrow! Smiling

Brian's picture

So are people planning to be there until lunch etc. I'm currently up the coast but might have time to swing by if we leave early enough.

hawkeye's picture

Was hoping to make the BBQ but don't think that's going to work today with this ugly shin.

At least you've got great weather Smiling

Brian's picture

So how was it. I was spewing I couldn't get back in time.

Andy Bloot's picture

It took us over half an hour to leave the parking area after we were all ready to go
Could run a city with the amount of gas bagging going on
Heads just kept popping up I hadn't seen in years

Lorrie/ Andrew even turned up to say hi with some huge sea going vessel on his roof rather than a bike
And some other notable guest appearances that I haven't seen in ages - even Cupcake!

After about a 5 year break, I had forgotten how much fun the Dam is
Tech climbing is not my forte and would love to return and conquer those damned rock step ups and the boardwalk section just after them
I will return and they will be conquered

I can see why this place is so good for as hot lap
I followed Grifter/ Steve who was following Steve 01 through the last half of the second lap
The pace was lung busting and Steve 01 came a cropper on the very last boardwalk
Got up unhurt, but bleeding nicely - just like the old days Sticking out tongue

At the after ride bbq we decided that this will definitely become a yearly event
Was a great days riding with a great crew

Brian's picture

Nice. It's not a ride unless 01' draws blood. I joined him once to do the Sydney to the Gong and he showed up bleeding because he crashed his roadie on the way to the start.

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