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Glenbrook social ride

Chuck's picture

By Chuck - Posted on 14 August 2013

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Wednesday, 21 August, 2013 - 18:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

1.5 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
The Oaks
Meeting Point: 

Glenbrook Park. In the small car park opposite the shops.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

Might do Bennetts + Oaks single track unless there's a better suggestion.

All welcome!!

Who's in?
Pedalgogy, Chuck, ChopStiR, hathill, Dutchy74, Orange_Pete (6 riders)
Pedalgogy Chuck ChopStiR hathill Dutchy74 Orange_Pete
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
ChopStiR's picture

Im a maybe at the moment

ChopStiR's picture

Loading my car now

ChopStiR's picture

Oops, i didnt look at the date. Well im going for a ride and I'll see you next week lol

Orange_Pete's picture

I reckon the date must have changed seeing as the majority turned up!!!

Dutchy74's picture

So the Wednesday night rides are more popular than I thought. Maybe too keen guys. See you next week.

Chuck's picture

To funny. When I was posting it I did consider this, but then thought, nah they can all read the date.

Mr Hathill and I did the Coat hanger earlier tonight. Must have just missed you in Glenbrook.

See you next week, unless you post another ride between then and now.

Muninjitsu's picture

I cant do that early or Wednesdays now. I will post a Thursday Alternative.

Dutchy74's picture

Ooh, competition between the BMORC rides... which one to do, which one to do? ;o)

Wish I was still living in Blaxland as there would be an easy solution.

Chuck's picture

Dutchy, just do both rides. I most likely will.

hathill's picture

You need to rename this to the Ante-Social ride Chuck.

matanthony's picture

Hey guys bit confused by the comments, so it's next wed the 21st??
Also start a night shift that night at ten pm in Randwick just wondering if I am being a bit ambitious thinking I can do this ride and be back in time to shower and start work??

Thanks guys

Dutchy74's picture

I would say that you're being very optimistic about getting down to Rankwick on time. Our rides normally go for around two hours at least, which doesn't give you much time to get to Sydney and ready for work. There is another ride planned for Thursday (well that's what Muninjitsu was talking about), so that might be better and more relaxed for you.
If you think you can make it, by all means, come along. You could always turn back earlier to make sure you get to work on time.


Chuck's picture

Yes, next week, the 21st at 6pm.

We generally take 2 hours if there is a group as there's always talking to be done and often something breaks. Plus we only ride as fast as the slowest rider.

We can do Knapsack the week after(28th) if you like, that way you can bail earlier if you like.

matanthony's picture

Thanks Duchy74 and chuck, for your collective replies. Yeah I thought I may have been a bit optimistic with the time. I won't come this week but look forward to coming in the future.
As for changing the trip the next week to knapsack I not bothered either way as not on night shift then so can easily make it for the oaks, just need to run it past the wife.

Thanks again guys,

The Brown Hornet's picture

Ha, run it past the wife! Man up and TELL her you're going riding! (Types JP as he looks over his shoulder with a look of fear just in case Beth is lurking.)

If work is kind to me and finishes anywhere near a normal time I'll be there.

And if the Minister for War lets me.

Muninjitsu's picture

JP im sure that you will beg and grovel nicely!

The Brown Hornet's picture

Begging and grovelling makes no difference when you get home from work late.

Chuck's picture

What time was the ride tonight? 6pm Mr Hathill.
Who's turn for a puncture tonight, that would be Mr Hathill. Smiling

Anyone keen for next week? I'd understand if not.

hathill's picture

I'll check my sundial to see if I'm available next week.......

Chuck's picture

30 minutes late was better than a week early.

ChopStiR's picture

Disagree, we got more riding in Smiling

Pedalgogy's picture

Chuck, I'm keen, I guess you didn't find Mr Hathill. e.g. he told us when we saw him riding up to the car park without you.

Chuck's picture

We found him, just not to sure he ever left the car park though.

I'll post it up if you are keen. Is 6pm okay for people?

We can do the Coat Hanger again if Dutchy likes.

hathill's picture

Damn, they're on to me. I'll have to work harder at not riding next week.
There is no spoon.........

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