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Ourimbah XC Course and Fire Trails Ride

DudeistPriest's picture

By DudeistPriest - Posted on 26 September 2013

Tuesday, 1 October, 2013 - 06:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

8 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Ourimbah State Forest
Meeting Point: 

Enter via Red Hill Rd, Ourimbah State Forest. On your right will be 'TreeTops' for the kids and it's large-ish carpark. Carry on past there and the first small clearing which is were parking used to be, and is where the 'Browns' single track turns (you might see riders on your left here). Please do not park in this car park.

Parking and official trail head is now designated a further 350m or so up the road where there is a larger area. There's a CCOMTB notice board here by the trail entrance (on the left as you drive up the hill). Park up nose to curb or as directed.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

I'm participating in the Great Cycle Challenge throughout October, I have pledged to ride 1000km for the month in support of the fight against children's cancer. To kick things off I'm going to try and ride 100km around the Ourimbah XC circuit and nearby fire trails.

I plan to start out with five laps of the XC course then head out to Kulnura and back then finish off with another lap or two of the XC course.

Feel free to join me for a lap or three if you have the time, pace will be very easy and I don't expect to start heading out to Kulnura until around 10:00am.

I think next Tue is going to be hot and windy so fingers crossed I can get it done.

If for any reason the State Forest is closed, I wont be doing the ride.

PS: Donations kindly accepted at:

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fh6162's picture

Thats a big ride...If I remember the night before I might join you for a few k's ? if I'm not there at 6am start without me...if I dont make it or catch ya good luck

DudeistPriest's picture

Well I managed to hit 75km before I had a rather dramatic OTH just before the Drop Off.

The weather turned nasty and I was just thinking I needed to be careful because it was really slippery when my front wheel slid out and I hit a tree, bounced off that and slipped down the bridge for a bit.

I don't know what damaged I've done to myself but I'm sure nothing is broken, it does hurt to breathe though.

So now I'm drugged out on Panadeine Forte and I'll be off for x-rays tomorrow.

Luckily the bike is ok, I broke it's fall.

DudeistPriest's picture

Broken ribs, so no riding for me for a few weeks, still going to try and do the Great Cycle Challenge, on my spin bike, once the pain settles down a bit.

Rob's picture

Soon as you described that off I was thinking damaged ribs. That's pretty poor timing for your challenge Sad

Get well soon!

DudeistPriest's picture

I'm disappointed but it could have been a lot worse and I'll get better. In a day or two I'll be able to hop on the spin bike and knock the 1000km off over the month.

It's funny what adrenalin will do for you, yesterday I managed to walk/ride back to the car and drive home and today I can barely move.

brakeburner's picture

Sorry to hear that mate. Spin bike it is then!

DudeistPriest's picture

Yep, what a bugger, who knows I might bounce back quicker than expected, I think I'll be back in the saddle from end this month with longer rides mid to late next month.

cc rider's picture

Geez Geoff, that sounds painful mate. That's really putting yourself on the line for charity. Get well soon!

DudeistPriest's picture


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