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Wheres Gilbo?

Gilbo's picture

By Gilbo - Posted on 11 February 2008

Hi all,

How is everyone? sorry havent been out on the trails lately (although with all the rain im sure there hasnt been much action anyway). Im currently out with 2 injuries.. not me personally but the bikes. For those that remember I blew the rear shock on my XC bike before Xmas, well I found out today it is totally unrepairable and am now waiting on a replacment to be sent from Taiwan. Remebering that this happened in mid-December?!? Thankfully will be replaced under warranty but a helluva time to be off the trails.

The big bike took a tumble, the other week.. Alex and Dez will attest, it appears i forgot to use the brakes when I should have, it now has a healthy scratch on the stanchion. I have recieved some advice from Dr Dez, which involves beer and super glue and watching the TV. Cant wait to try that method of bike repair.

All in all, have been going nuts without the regualr weekly rides, and all the shenanigans that go with it.

I will see you all again real soon!


Stuart M's picture

for fixing the scratch on your stanchion that is. It's easier to clean up than super glue when you make a mess of it.

Alex's picture

hmm warranty stuff sux, im still waiting on my replacement rear linkage from clarence st that gave itself a nice big seat post clamp gouge back in JULY! starting to think their all taking the piss, good job it wasnt an unrideable issue or who knows what i would have done!
hope you end up with better service mate! (just dont damage your session too, or you might die of old age before getting it fixed!!!)

Gilbo's picture

hmm, i might try that one first. was a bit wary of messing with super glue. cheers Stuart

dez_b's picture

Yeah you should have some of that nice shade of pink left , I think its in the top drawer just next to your silk briefs .lol.
The good thing about the glue is it dries quickly and sets hard just have to be xtra careful when it drips onto your lap and........... well you read my p.m. no need to scare people in a public forum.
Off to Thredbo in the morning see youse all next weekend

Stuart M's picture

Which means you've got to get it perfect on you first go. Nail polish can be smoothed with nail polish remover so that ther are no lips or bumps.

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