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Manly Dam

Sunday, 27 October, 2013 - 08:00 The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
2.5 hours
Come Rain or Shine:
If it has rained on this trail today, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry:
Manly Dam Meeting Point:
King Street (near corner with Arana Street), Manly Vale. You know - outside Manly Hydraulics Lab.
I'm looking to do 2 or three laps. We'll likely dive off for one of those and cross the Parkway to do the new singletrack climb that joins the northern end of Bantry Bay with the overbridge and Aquatic Centre descent to the pipeline easement.
Who's in?
hawkeye, JohnG, Checkmate, xmas, rossco_

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What time are you meeting? I may be interested in joining you, time dependant.
8am. Can shift an hour either side if it suits and you get in early
I've just found out that we have friends coming over Sunday so I'm going to have to do my ride Saturday now. I'll be passing the hydro lab at 7:15ish if you want to join me.
I thought it was a descent!
Guess it goes both ways?
the wsmtb club champs have been postponed and i'm going riding anyway this seems like the perfect opportunity to put faces to some of those strange nobmob usernames.
see u Sunday.
Last time I rode it (awhile back) the little ramps over the fallen trees seemed to favour the uphill direction.
I might have to go for an explore tonight
So would I be tempting fate to make this the maiden ride? Picked up the new steed this afternoon
The trail builder intended the full possum to be for uphill use, purely as a link to the overpass and back onto the outer dam loop.
Well that's what I was told anyway.
That fits. The ramps on the log rollovers seem intended to go with an uphill flow.
Can't make it have fun guys see you next time
Not sure if I manage to wake up. If I'm not 5mins early, please don't wait for me.
That was good fun!
I tried a third lap but the core muscles were starting to get a bit stuffed and wobbly, so after the climb to the Golf Club entrance I bailed on the Golf Course sniggle rather than risk getting out of shape in the wrong place.
That was a good workout.
Thanks, guys. I enjoyed more than I looked.
BTW, especially thanks to Hawkeye's, to stop me to fall into 2m hole. Maybe put a sign next time.
The Aquatic Centre gap jump needs a sign.
Thanks for organising Hawkeye.
Great to be shown new bits of track. I now a have bit of variety to throw into the standard Dam ride.
cheers Grant
when did this new uphill single track appear Hawkeye?
Another nobmobber and I scoped it out about 6 months ago but it looks like someone else has seen the opportunity and acted.
It's pretty tight and lacks flow in the lower part that starts opposite the Chinese development site, and that section turns into a mud bath after rain.
But hey it beats riding on the road every time
Is that the short link track from just after the footbridge (over Wakehurst pkway) down to the pipeline fire trail?
Or is there another bit of track with a gap jump that I don't know about.....?
The gap jump is on the flow line and I can imagine (and a story was told to me yesterday that confirms) a fatigued first-timer could easily fail to understand what he was seeing until it was too late.
All it needs two, maybe 3 signs. An early one warning of the gap jump coming up, and then another one, maybe two showing the A and B lines where the trail splits. I have the coreflute, I just need to get some appropriate coloured markers.
Let me check if my office still has the laminator. Can print some color A4 and laminated. Got some old garden poles if needed. Will update tomorrow.
So where does that one start/ finito?
I can print a3 and laminate it. Tell me what to print. One says 1.5 m, one is Gap ahead, trail with arrow? Yellow background with black font. Any idea?
one with a green arrow pointing out to about 10 o'clock. another with a black arrow point straight up, ie 12 o'clock. Coloured arrows are much easier to decipher on a trail than writing but check the IMBA site for their recommendations.
Did a sign with two arrows in a3. Will bring it with some traps as well.
That jump has been there for many years and thousands of people ride by it without any issues ... Don't think it needs a sign and isn't that classed as littering the bush ??
....that doesn't mean there will never be a new rider riding that section. I'm sure they would appreciate it.
if you've been through there with either a guide or come the other way first (as I did).
But in its current state the 2m gap is much less visible than it used to be.
I was struck by how hard it was to see compared to previously and I'm pretty sure Rossco was glad I made sure he took the B line.
One of the other guys in our posse then proceeded to tell me about another first timer mate of his who crashed into the face of the other side and hurt his leg pretty bad - dislocated knee.
So a simple sign is an easy measure to deal with that.
Littering? Really?
Three small ones. Would be interested in feedback as while I made them small (well less than A4) they may still be a bit big and obtrusive.
First is a triple exclamation mark. Thats followed by a B with left turning arrow and an A with a straight ahead arrow and a schematic indicating a gap jump.
Not IMBA compliant but consistent with what I've seen at races elsewhere. I was kinda stuck as I couldn't get green or blue pens in the required thickness.
Anyway tell me what you think when you see them. Photos won't really give an accurate impression.
I didn't notice them yesterday? What time did they go up? I was around there at about 3.
Would have been around then.
Only riders I saw were nobmobber beetle and a couple of AM riders entering the top just after I finished.
Must have just missed each other.
Signs are good . The 3 of them are very clear on the approach to the gap .
Thanks for pointing out the new section of track . I did a couple of more laps after it cooled down and really enjoyed it.
Where is the aquatic centre gap jump? For the life of me I just can't seem to pin that point around the dam. I have never almost fell into it either well I don't think. But this is bugging me now and can't stop thinking about the trail.
... but then I'd have to zap you with my neuralyzer
Yep, quiet on this one I reckon. Sounds selfish but I don't want this bit turning into the main loop of the Dam. If you can find it or be shown it then all good, but I don't think it should be advertised to all and sundry.
Really? That's harsh.
Especially considering it has just been heavily talked about as well as talking about signs for riders. Not sure this is really in the spirit of mtb. Guess I'll just have to go looking.
I was just enjoying being mysterious
Once the NPWS puts in the Bantry Bay network this section of track will become part of one of the main northern connections to the Dam circuit proper.
However it will need work to be able to sustain an increase in traffic above current levels.
So it might be an idea to continue offline for now.
Come on people... since when did MTB riders become so selfish?
If you read above...
This section is only 200m or so, but is a bit of fun. From Bantry Bay road, if you're riding North, pass Garner Ave. on the left then there's a small parking area on the right with a meandering path beyond. This path goes to a footbridge over the Parkway. Take a sharp right straight after the bridge.
There's nothing secret about this track, it's been there for many years.
The pipeline track goes to Alambie Road where you can drop back into the Dam at the end of Martin Luther Lane or behind Alambie Heights Oval.
AFAIK It's been kept quiet over the years as it wasn't part of the main loop and no-one could really answer with any certainty who owned the land and whether or not we should have been using it.
I guess that's all been sorted out now though with the POM.
LOL... I doubt that very much.
We (and the authorities) have to be realistic. With sites like Garmin Connect, Strava & Google maps with very detailed satellite imagery, nothing is secret any more.
Warringah Council doesn't like it when people ride on the official walking tracks around Manly Dam. Don't think, "My one ride won't hurt", because you know what will happen if everyone does that.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't suggesting we were riding on walking tracks. Just that no-one used to know it's official status but now it's been mentioned in the new network for Bantry Bay.
Seniors moment
+2 to Robs comments but after walking it Sunday and seeing it at a slower pace I am somewhat concerned about the condition. Parts of it need attention and there are B lines forming that are causing erosion problems.