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First Time Race Tips

Hey everyone,
Next sunday I am participating in my first ever race. "The Kings School MtB Classic", It's a 2 hour race with a partner, where you each do a lap and then that's your lap time.
I was wondering if anyone had any tips for a first-time racer including things to go over on my bike? I generally just like riding with my friends so I'm not too serious
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Clean and lube your chain, pump up your tyres and make sure your brakes work.
Remember to eat and drink between laps.
Not much else to it.
Have fun.
Hi Chris,
Great advice above. There is nothing worse than a mechanical - and we find in most new/young riders it is due to drive train issues. These can mainly be avoided by a good clean and lube beforehand (remember to wipe off all excess lube as it only attracts grit). Your chain should look clean and bright.
Tyre pressure is important in avoiding pinch flats. Depending on the length of the lap, and access back to transition, take a spare tube with you and know how to change it quickly. This avoids the long walk back - and your partner having to re-start your lap (with subsequent big loss of time).
That then brings us to riding technique - don't crash and burn on your early laps. It is REALLY important to actually FINISH every lap in a reasonable time. It is a 2 hour race, so set a pace that means you can finish each lap with crashing or having a mechanical.
Most of all - enjoy! I hope to see the new track soon.
Ray Rice
[email protected]
Thanks heaps! I'll definitely take all of that into consideration.
And you can come have a look at the track anytime I think, I don't do it as a sport at school but I've been to the track and nobody seems to mind haha.
Thanks heaps!
Hi Chris,
I'd be a wary about inviting riders onto land you do not own. This track is on private land, and I do know that Kings wish to control access. Please use it responsibly Chris!
Its a race there this Sunday & they are inviting everyone to join in ie family members old schoolers anyone who like to go can this Sunday . Chris have you ridden the track it is not a long one , not that id know
:) .....
Yeah I've ridden around the tracks, but I'm not sure as to what combination of tracks they will put together to form the race, as the Master In Charge and a few of the boys have built some extra tracks, I know that they can't be too long though, nothing all this rowing can't prepare me for fitness-wise... hahaha
It has a bit of fitness involved but a lot of bike handling skills and good brakes will be needed especially riding them tracks fast , I have found out a few times there