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Mt. Stromlo DH beginners and advanced trails

Alex's picture

By Alex - Posted on 21 February 2008

Sunday, 2 March, 2008 - 08:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

6 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Stromlo Forest Park

A few of us are going back to have a play on the stromlo DH and new begginers DH trails. our shuttle is full at this stage, p.m. me closer to date though and there maybe a spot.. but anyone is welcome to come along anyway, just byo shuttles or do it old school!

**Note time change for this as now a day trip only for me as working on the sat eve now and need to allow for driving time **

*****Note time changed back again as im not working anymore on sat, and majura has been rekindled lol sorry for the inconvienience!! call mobile (on profile) if want to hook up at majura too- will prob be there mid-arvo

Who's in?
delicious, Alex, Gilbo, Muffin Man, GHOST_BIKER
delicious Alex Gilbo Muffin Man GHOST_BIKER
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delicious Stromlo DH Many thanks to Alex for organising the day and the van for the shuttle.I never knew just how many bikes and grown men can be shoe horned into a van. The sun was shining and the track was dry and in good nick and I really like the course.I...

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Muffin Man's picture

Mate, this sounds really good, count me in. I'll bring my purple anodized bar-ends and 420mm seat post.

Alex's picture

no worries, ill pop my bright red spokey dokeys on for extra torque Smiling

Muffin Man's picture

The down-hill track was too rough. I think down-hill riding is for crazy folk.

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