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Electronic shifting using brain waves

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Not sure if this has been posted before. Automatic shifting next
See also
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I'd settle for Di2 for MTB.
Becomes rather expensive when you get a stick through the mech!
Any they can keep Di2 for roadies unless it comes with a internal, mid frame mounted gear box.
I'm just channelling my frustration with the tendonitis I'm getting in my left forearm.
Switch to a singlespeed, hawkeye. Life gets much simpler...if you can shut out the screaming coming from the legs that is.
... until the knees blow up
- - - knees have blown up already
new ones on way
exploring which joints are approriate and the technologies that they will integrate with. Don't want them recalled like some have been! and
So for the more astute and interested :-
I'm exploring the new technoligies associated with bionic implants and new implanting procedures. The procedure and implants being proposed will provide me with extra power and efficiency so that, if in Indonesia or similar places for example, I can avoid any occurrence of Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconeosis
The new procedures avoid the problem of Dihydrogen Monoxide (DM) or Hydroxic Acid (a component of acid rain) getting into the knee joints, it has been known to cause erosion to many metals. It has also caused severe burns, should not be inhaled as can be fatal in sufficient quantities. Other factors are that DM is used in industrial strength solvents, nuclear power stations, and is an additive in junk foods! Fortunately in this case it wont be used as it is in certain forms of cruel animal research!
The advances in electronics are allowing a fully integrated electron level electronic system that creates new dimensions of control. The basic chip has an automatic upgrading system that will adapt to the non-linear dynamical system it operates in, adjusting to each dynamic input in micro seconds. Again this will also integrate with the developing CESC ( Cannondale electronic suspension control- and magnetic suspension fluid thus saving unnescessary severe inputs to the knees, arms and back, reducing the wear on the adaptable lithium based absorbtion packets in the knee joints.
Using these new 150 degree flexible joints, once we can get the interplex to pick up the signals of the communication output of the phased carrier waves and the input/output transducer, it should anticipate the power requirements of the situation and make the appropriate total system adjustments without any human interface. The intelligent molecules will affect the output (leverage and impact absorption) of the adaptable flexible joints as well as adjusting the gear system depending on the demands eg. uphill grinding or high velocity jumps (but aimed at runners).
The system will thus integrate and make automatic the gear shifting, suspension adjustment and responseveness and knee configuration. There is some new work being done on adaptive tyre pressure adjustment!
The future looks - interesting?
But dihydrogen monoxide is water? No? H2O
Yes -
and therefore - - - ?
.. but as someone who needs a knee replacement or two, it sounds wonderful. Do you have any links that would lend some credibility to your postulations, or have I been scammed?
Dihydrogen monoxide, shortened to DHMO, is a name for water that is consistent with basic rules of chemical nomenclature and is almost exclusively used in a satirical context.
Back in another life when I trained with WAIS, we were subjected to some pretty tortuous training.
After a hard weeks training and racing we'd ride from kings park to safety bay and back during the heat of summer on a single bottle of water. I was ~15 when we started those.
One of the first things to get "de-prioritised" is non essential brain function. Basically, if it's not keeping you alive, it gets shutdown and the resources are spent on your legs instead. We've all been there to an extent. Sounds get blocked out, you get a bit of tunnel vision etc etc. It's the reason athletes can make seemingly stupid mistakes.
I remember getting back to perry lakes one time, and trying to mentally add up $1.60 x2, and I couldn't do it.
My point is, any rider pushing hard will have an increasingly tough time using brain power to shift.
And those not pushing that hard also have important things to think about, other than shifting. Imagine coming up to the double blacks on Luvin Shovels, needing a different gear, and having to focus on that instead.
@ Oldernslower, love the use of P45, it's not used often enough these days:)