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Hi All
A mate of mine has just rushed out and bought a Specialized Enduro Expert, beautiful bike with a price tag to match.
Anyway we went for a first ride on Sunday and did a Oxford Falls Red Hill epic. Biggest drop we did would have been 4 foot to slight tranny, the usual RH rock gardens,etc.
Anyway 3/4 of the way through the ride his rear shock starts making a horrible knocking sound and has lost 1 cm of travel (along the shaft). Not an air leak type loss but nothing at all for the first 1cm without weight on it.
To top it off his rear wheel is warped to hell as well!! He is a pretty good rider I might add.
I did some research and found this forum on the Specialized site regarding problems with their proprietry suspension (which is on a lot of their models I beleive).
I have always liked the look of Specialized I might add, even though I now own an 06 Giant Reign. Glad I went with the known entity, food for thought.
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Hey I noticed that bike the other day, the Enduro minus their own shocks.. interesting???
Weekend trip to Thredbo everyone getting there gear together for the first ride one of the fellas gets his new 08 Enduro out of his van pushes down on the forks to test the compression "BANG" seal blows shooting out the broken oil seal.
His girlfriends identical bike leaking oil out of the same area both bikes three month old still look spanking new .
Thredbo NRG bike workshop only carries spares for yes you guessed it ROCK SHOX/ FOX /MARZOCCHI nothing for SPECIALIZED end of weekend for said bike.
you get what you pay for !!!!
they are sooo light got to be a downside to that
Glad I have a Cannondale with Boxxer WC forks
The NOBMOB Cdale v Specialised debate goes on LOL
ive got an 07 enduro pro carbon, super light, plush suspension, descends like a downhill bike and climbs(honestly) as well as my epic cross country. the rear shock and front fork internal are 08 and were swapped due to specialized recall/recomendation before i even looked at it. i know ive heard that they've been a few problems with the suspension on quite a few bikes but ive also met a lot of happy owners that have said the same thing as myself, ive been riding mountain bikes for very nearly twenty years on and off and ive never ridden such an all round responsive bike ever. if you weren't a pratt like me and wanted a bike for every occasion then i'd honestly say that this is the be all and end all "all mountain bike". 10 out of 10 from my side. i have no worries about a failure as specialized obviously know there's a fault and will replace with no problems and i have a bike or two to ride if it ever happens to me. things go wrong with bikes all the time and when youre buying top end bikes its like buying a supercar, these companies are really pushing the limit to try out the latest technology and provide the rider with the ultimate riding experience. if youre not prepared for things to go wrong then buy a 15kg hardtail with v brakes and hey!!!!, lets stop bagging each others bikes. even santa cruze's break sometimes,eh matt??????
yeh but frankly top end especially should mean the technology should already be hard tested before you come anywhere near to buying it, its alot of coin, and unacceptable for things like this to happen when paying thousands imho..nothing to do with brands, just release the bloody bike AFTER its been put through the wringer!..otherwise, its not finished yet!
and same problem here with specific parts dez in the sense of my ultra specific derailleur hanger being so hard to get its ridiculous, something to be said for big lines of things making life alot easier, i think thats where companies like giant win out, always spares! shame cannondale are so crappy and stupid and dumb and silly and corky and retarded and spastic and girly or you wouldnt have to wait while some eskimo hand whittles new a spare fork out of penguin bones
oh just jokes!
LOL that's a good one Alex nearly sprayed my corn flakes over the keyboard , don't get me wrong I am not specifically bagging Specialized they are well designed and nice bikes and super light , I was just stating what our experience on the day was , any bike/super car / mobile phone can have a part failure but its the availability of parts for said machine in non urban areas that is an issue , Specialized when deciding to go for there own brand fork/shock limits the owner access to replacement parts when not near the LBS you purchased it from . In the wash up your bike is the sum total of its components (if it is a well designed and manufactured frame) so having a Boxxer/Marzocchi/Holden as opposed to an obscure model Ferrari/Specialized just means less stress when away in the unlucky event of a failure.
play nice
On our trip to Canberra mid last year my stumpjumper got a leak in its shock just were the hose for the brain comes out, I had been told all the horror stories about replacing & servicing specialized shocks & can gladly say none were true. I returned the shock to the people I bought it from on the tuesday & had a brand new replacement shock inc brain sent out by the end of the week. I also just had some warranty work done on my faith & giant were equally as good. At the end of the day all the big names have reputations to protect & will do the right thing by you most of the time.
My specialized fork/shock/bottle opener blew apart/stopped working/ was aducted by aliens and once I got home three months later from my round the world mtb trip I had great warranty service and had parts replaced in only a few days!
The replacement parts of course then blew up again on my next round the world trip, but of course after only another 3 months of not having a bike to ride the warranty service was great when I returned home again...
C'mon people! You are all way to accepting of this scam! If you spend anywhere near the $5k mark on a mtb it should work! Like the man says, if a bike hasn't been put through the wringer yet then it isn't finshed.
Why would you pay for the privilege of breaking something just to help a big corporate company complete it's science project?
normally i read your posts and think your a bit out there
i hate latte drinkers
but i reckon your spot on
too many times we just accept that that is the way it is
and then it never ceases to amaze me how every one jumps to the defence of the two big makers on this site
guys on here defend them to the death
when at the end of the day it appears their products arent what they seem
i wouldnt be happy spending 5k and then sitting around for 3 minutes let alone 3 weeks for a repair to be carried out
There's a reason why people say "never buy the first series of a new model car" and yet you pay a hell of alot more for that new car than you do for a new bike. Even two or three series on the car you drive out of the show room will inevitably still have some warranty issues
In a big dollar, cut throat industry that is at the pointy end of technology then the consumer will always be the test market, like it or not. Why, because we the consumers are always wanting more, and wanting it now. Yes new models are tested before they are released to the masses but that testing doesn't hold a candle to the amount of testing done by the general public in the first few weeks of release. Don't forget that it is also done by people that know how to jump a bike and more importantly land it as well (tic, tic, tic.....toc)
Why are parts hard to get, for exactly the same reason you can't walk into a ford dealership and buy spares for your holden. Up front sales are only a part of their profit margin, ongoing service and spares are also important factors and this is something we, as intelligent, knowledgeable consumers, would all surely take into consideration when making that vital decision, which bike to get.
Buy the bike you like, but then love the bike you ride.
If you don't get the warranty service you are entitled to then post and complain till your hearts content. IF your not happy with the choice you've made because you didn't research it properly then go and buy another bike but don't blame the people that pushed the envelope and built that bike that has that extra bit of squish but still climbs like your road bike.
Happy trails all!
Goatman posted this as a word of warning to anyone looking at these new models to take into consideration.
To be honest all these posts have done little more than reinforce the fact that there's an issue with these bikes (however half of you seem to think that that is ok).
The post was to warn people of problems with these bikes and that's what it's done.
If you like having issues with your new bike and are happy to pay $5k for something you know will stuff up then so be it, that's your choice and whatever makes you happy, at least now you've been educated about it.
nuff said i think! (that was to stuarts comment)
Anyone who thinks that if you spend big money on a mtb & it should never break must be dreaming. Mountain biking is hard on your equipment, count yourselves lucky there is warranty on our bikes, take a look at some other sports like motorcross where you will spend 12 grand on a new bike with zero warranty. As Stuart said love the bike you ride.
15 years ago a steel fully rigid bike with cantilever brakes would cost $1,000. If you wanted dual suspension (steel springs with 2-3inches of travel),V Brakes and heavy as as hell it would have cost you $3.5k to $4k.
These days comparatively speaking you are getting a lot better value for money and the level of componentry has skyrocketed.
You are not roadies who have a panic attacks when they approach a speed bump, you ride up, over and through things, bits break and the companies replace them - fact of life, get over it.
If you don't want things breaking buy a high-end bike not a Specialized or Cannondale.
Go Big or Go Home
a response to your immature, pointless "Great warranty service" comment and those others that took this serious post and turned it into the joke it had become.
I'm not stupid enough to miss the "warning" of the goatmans post, just stupid enough to continue reading this thread once the immaturity raised its head. I expect better of you than that.
So now to make my point in a simpler way that you might understand.
If you are prepared to spend thousands of your hard earned dollars on a bike, any bike, then I would like to think you had the intelligence to thoroughly research that bike first.
If it is such a new bike that there are no "user" reviews available and yet you still proceed with the purchase, then surely it is upto you, the person giving up your hard earned dollars, to make sure you are happy with the design of what you are buying. If you're not, then bloody well wait until you can see some reviews. If you're spending that sort of money on a bike then chances are its not your frst. Chances are you now know a little about mountain bikes. So its reasonable to assume then that when you look at the front derailleur mount and its oval not round, then you knwo that is a custom part. when you look at the rear derailleur and its mounted directly to the frame, you know if you crash it then you damage your frame, not a replaceable derailleur hanger. You know that if your bike has custom house brand suspension parts, actually any house brand part, then chances are you aren't going to be able to get replacement parts from anywhere but that manufacturer.
If your spending that sort of dollars on a bike then surely you take the time to weigh up all of these important factors before you give someone your money.
Again, I would have thought that you of all people would have they knowledge to understand that.
like a Giant Reign for example. Fox RP23, tried and true, Marzocchi forks same. Lifetime warranty on frame. These parts can be purchased anywhere (unlike the car industry).
To Bruce that said "Anyone who thinks that if you spend big money on a mtb & it should never break must be dreaming"
Clearly however when a large percentage of these shocks and fork are failing there is an issue. It should never have been released to the public, which the posts in the link I put up are mostly saying.
Clearly if all of us punters rode as smoothly as Sam Hill there would be far less issues! The reality is we don't!!
The point of my "immmature, pointless comment" was to highlight the fact some people get defensive and were seeming to say that it's ok to spend top $$ on a bike that breaks and can't be ridden because you get good warranty service when you get home.
Seems you were stupid enough to miss that point.
Quote: "You know that if your bike has custom house brand suspension parts, actually any house brand part, then chances are you aren't going to be able to get replacement parts from anywhere but that manufacturer."
But you would expect them to not fail on a large percentage of said parts, particularly from a large manufacturer like Specialized.
While I feel sorry for my mate, I also think it was a rather rash purchase as a little bit of research ( for example) would have revealed that there were serious issues with this model. So yes "user reviews" are available for this model.
I think people were saying that they stand behind THEIR decision to buy high end, untested bikes when it is a decision they have made. Not blame someone else for your poor or uninformed decision.
Actually Jedi I probably do owe you an apology. I think I credit you with more intelligence than you actually have. If I remember correctly you're the guy that lives near many dam, at one point riding there regularly but had know idea that they did maintenance days, and still has not been to one even though you were told of them and yet still have the audacity to complain about what these people that give up their time do.
You're the guy that rides down the middle of a fire trail towards a large group of riders, stay in the middle of the trail and wonder why this large group doesn't move to one side for you to continue on your merry way. Maybe they can't because there is some maniac heading towards them, showing no signs of slowing, or moving to one side of the track himself. Admittedly you had mechanical issues, but you stupidly thought we had powers of mental telepathy and would majically know you had these issues.
Come to think of it Jedi, I am stupid enough to say things here that others probably wouldn't. Atleast I am prepared to stand behind these comments though and also ride with these people. Have you ever gone on a group ride with anyone here other than Goatman? No I didn't think so. So why don't you crawl back under the rock from which you hide and either put back into this community or keep your stupid, inane comments to those you feel worthy enough to ride with.
failure. It would also be nice if people didn't ruch into things and then blame others for their mistakes.
If the manufacture is honouring its warranty obligations, as it would appear to be doing, then I think there is no issue. The inconvenience of not being able to get replacement parts from anyone but the manufacturer is something that should have been considered at the time of purchase
Stuart, for having a different opinion to yours. Getting rather personal in you last post (to Jedi) wouldn't you say.
I didn't realise this site was only for those that are flexible enough to go on 'group rides'.
Who was blaming anyone on here for their decison to buy a bike? WTF?
And since when did I not know of Manly Dam Trail maintanence days? And complaining about them? Huh? I've actually posted on this site in defence of the people doing the them!
As for the riding down the fire road at a group of people, bit of an in joke there mate, don't try too hard to roast others when it's actually you being laughed at.
So, hit a sore spot did we? I now think you should write another thousand word rant explaining simple things we know in great detail but not actually really adding anything knew or particularly insightful to the original point of the thread.
Really, a derailler hanger that isn't bolted on isn't a replacable one? Thanks for that.
And really, if I'm going to buy a high end bike I should do some research into it? Really?
Actually I did do some research and I found this post, started off as a helpful warning but then some guy told me it's cool for my bike to break after one ride because that makes it like a sports car. Thanks for the help!
No I didn't think so.
I have no problems with people that differ in opinion to me. I have no problems with your original post. I have no problems with people that made a similar purchase decision to your mates that have then posted advising of the good service they have had from that manufacturer.
I have a problem with people that only stick up there heads from under rocks to make stupid inane comments and then get all defensive about those comments when someone dares to have a different opinion to them and calls them on it. Someone that is never seen by other members of this community other than to make those said comments.
Goatman, I wish I had the skill ad the balls to ride the things you do, but I don't so its really hard for me to join you on one of your rides. You clearly have the skill to come xc riding with us or even on some of the more "adventurous" rides that the likes of Liam and Nate often host. Maybe you could talk your mate into coming on one of these rides, or God forbid, one of you actually posting a rdie yourself so that we may join you. Then maybe I would not be able to make those "personal" comments that I did in my last post.
Gazza and Kurt kinda thought I made a good point. Unfortunately I didn't think you made any point at all. That's just my opinion, sorry I differ with your opinion that my comment was stupid and inane.
Now just to aid your next load of waffle, please could you explain when and how I got defensive when someone had a different opinion and called me on it? AS far as I can tell every post on this thread has done little more than reinforce Goatman's original warning, even your posts too Stuart.
p.s. Goatman has posted a ride on here, no one showed.
but when you read something try and comprehend it.
Reread Gazza's post and I think you'll see he isn't agreeing with you.
by contacting Trek USA directly. I had an issue with a headset part, not trek, and got nowhere with my local distributor. I contacted the US parent company, explaining the situation and that I didn't want to be sent back to the local distributor. I had the answer I was after with 24hr .
Try link page for the link
You do have a valid point about there being a problem & thank you for bringing it to our attention. My original comment was only to point out that I too have had to deal with the said manufacturer with a good out come. My second comment wasnt directed to you but more to Jedi.
I hope your friend gets his bike back together asap without any dramas.
but it does descend bloody well for a lighter style carbon bike!
I was just trying to lighten up the thread, but being stoney faced serious now, those carbon enduros look very nice, I'd buy one to compliment my dh bike if I had the extra dosh and extra time to ride. But unfortunately I don't have either so I must ride my dh bike everywhere.... but it beats walking.
I agree totally Muffin Man.I love riding my Glory everywhere.I've even ridden it to work on occasion and as silly as it seemed,it was fun as I was looking for stairs to ride up and down and stuff to launch off.Superflous is Happiness is Ridiculousness...
the strongest i ever got as a rider( whilst in oz at least) was when i had the big hit and used to do four hour rides around red hill, oxford falls and manly dam. after riding that then going to a xc bike i felt like lance armstrong!!! mind you after that fatefull day at stromlo all i feel like now is lance armBENT!
on the warranty issue though, i personally have been dealing with clarence st for close to a bloody year now to get a replacement part for my bike, almost every time i speak to them, they have no idea about it and the order forms seem to go walkies..and now they dont even know if they can get that part or a replacement derailleur hanger AT ALL..correct me if im wrong but isnt the point of a "replaceable" derailleur hanger that you can f^&^&ng replace it!
anyway, point being Trek is one of the largest bike manufacturers in the world, but not so big in OZ..and so the trek oz people dont seem to know their ass from their elbow when getting spares for some of the less comon bikes (DH/FR)..this is bloody bollox when paying 6500k for a bike (assuming one pays rrp)
and as for the testing faze, im just saying get a couple of your bigger boys to take them down a rough bunch of trails for a week and see what blows up before you sell it, it aint rocket surgery!
Holy sheet..... I'm all distressed now. Where's the kleenex?
The moral of this thread is quite simple.
Buy a Downhill bike and ride it everywhere.
That's right.
You heard it here first.
Also, an enduro carbon will not go down hill like a dh bike. Unless the dh is on the road. I may have to start a thread on this as another warning or else there will be hundreds of carbon enduros at stromlo this sunday. and that could be dangerous. for everyone.
I'm off to ride, bye.
Nice to hear delicious-p. I would love a steeper head angle, more chainrings and 5-10 kg less weight for tight technical single track like manly dam, or stuff like oxford falls/red hill or most x country trails. But if there is anything at all resembling a downhill I just can't help but try to go as fast as possible and history has shown that lighter bikes unfortunately die as a result. hence the dh bike everywhere. It's always a compromise though, my dh bike is my dh bike, my x-country/trails bike, my street bike, my trials bike (bit sad really) and my bmx. what an identity crisis eh?
Bloody eh Gazza, they do strengthen you up big time that's for sure. If I was racing x-country again I'd train on one! Running one ring you get quite powerful because you have to sprint up most climbs to keep your momentum or you'll stop lol