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Return to Menai

Andy Bloot's picture

By Andy Bloot - Posted on 25 February 2008

Sunday, 9 March, 2008 - 08:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

3 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Menai (Lucas Heights)
Who's in?
evan, delicious, Little-Ditty, Caro, GAZZA, bikemad, Bruce, petulance, Gilbo, Steve 01, Andy Bloot, nate, anke13, Benny-B, tripper, mabsydney, Matt P, Patrick, Supagav (19 riders)
evan delicious Little-Ditty Caro GAZZA bikemad Bruce petulance Gilbo Steve 01 Andy Bloot nate anke13 Benny-B tripper mabsydney Matt P Patrick Supagav
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Little-Ditty Lost Disaster 1: Arriving with what I thought was plenty of time to spare, we parked at 8:20 with 10 minutes to get ready. What's this? Are there no riders here already? Looking around, Caro and I spot no familiar faces hanging around. Damn! There...

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Andy Bloot's picture

Ben, a local to the area is leading this ride and all nobmobbers are welcome.
The more the merrier.
Terrain: a bit of everything. Lots of fun, rocky, techo singletrack would most likely be the defining characteristic of the area

evan's picture

Local tour guides are great.
Cheers for this Andy.

Little-Ditty's picture

Just need to consult my calendar and see what my Sunday holds in store. Sounds cool though. Smiling

Matt P's picture

if we'll be doing the area accessed from opposite ANSTO or from the big sports complex?

I'm Matt P. Different to Matt although Matt is also a Matt P. Matt P should not be confused with Matt.

Andy Bloot's picture

Matt. i actually don't know the area very well at all. I just know the street i park in and once the ride starts I could be anywhere. the times I've riden it have been following someone and concentrating on the terrain rather than where I am going. But i do know that the guy who has offered to lead, Ben, is happy to talk about what sort of terrain and what places we want to visit and take it from there. Is that why you ask?

Matt P's picture

The reason I ask is that I am reasonably familiar with, what I think is, a large part of the area. I normally enter from the Illawara Rd / tip area and therefore know those tracks fairly well.

However I know there are many more tracks which are generally accessed from the large sports complex which I was interested in exploring. I entered this part on the same day as the last Nobmob trip ( which I wasn't a part of) and managed to find a lot more trails going off ina number of directions). Terrain type isn't really too much of an issue (as long as its as little soft sand and soggy mud as possible), its more about finding some new trails!

I'm Matt P. I'm different to Matt although Matt is also a Matt P. Matt P should not be confused with Matt.

Andy Bloot's picture

I think we'd all be up for a bit of an explore. I've actually never met Ben (we 'met' on farkin) but he seems open to any suggestions and says he knows the area. So as far as I'm concerned, it sounds good. I will contact him mid next week and mention approx numbers and mention the above as well and we can have a chat about it on the day I guess and let the group decide.
By the way, which Matt are you?

Matt P's picture there for my benefit mainly.

If it helps others, then thats splendid Eye-wink

I'm Matt P. I'm different to Matt although Matt is also a Matt P. Matt P should not be confused with Matt.

Little-Ditty's picture

Not sure what the Sports Complex is. But we park on Old Illawarra Road next to a baseball / football oval. This is in a completely separate direction to the tip.

anke13's picture

...I'm in. Cheers, Anke

Carlgroover's picture

Matt P. I also have a common name which is John so to save confusion I needed another name, so I chose one unlikely to be repeated, and so far I haven't seen any other Carlgroovers on NoBMoB.

Iconic Bionic's picture

Im from over Menai way and you should all come more often. We also have the national park rides where you can ride for days.

Andy Bloot's picture

I will have been there 3 times in about 2 months. Not bad when I live over 50k's away and my car drinks as much as Bikemad (that's a lot). Having said that, I agree. Post up a ride, and they shall come.
Actually, I would love a tour around the national park. Been there a couple of times with a mate, and would love to go with someone who really knows the area.
By the way, you coming along Sunday week?

InC's picture


I am very eager to come along on a ride such as this. Wondering if you can let me know about the following:-
- length of ride (i.e 1 or 4 hours)
- What one is to bring

Any other info you can throw my way.


Andy Bloot's picture

For this ride, the duration could be 3 maybe 4 hours. But total ride time can be a lot less. We stop and wait for people to catch up. For this ride, avge speed would not be much more than 10k's hr. Plus we may stop and have a play on certain sections.
What to bring. You can bring some elbow/ knee guards if you want. Bring plenty of water depending on weather temp. Bring a little something to eat. Spare tube or tubes and other spares for your bike.
Make sure you know how to get there before you leave- less stress in the morning.
Just come along and have fun. Everyones of different abilities and I'm not shy to walk a section if it looks iffy.
We're a pretty friendly mob, but there will be a few farkiners there as well (who I'm sure are very friendly as well).
Ben, who posted this on farkin states 'no heroes or dickheads'
We don't have to say that here.
Hope to see ya Sunday week

InC's picture

Thanks for all the info Andy.

Sounds good.

Excuse my ignorance (New to the game) what's a farkiner?

Andy Bloot's picture

= darkside. Only joking. Your 'ignorance' is excused - it took me a while to discover them as well
It's a huge website MTB etc discussion type thing with a membership of 1000's. Good for info and stuff, but also some arrogant little turds who need a slap.
Well worth a look and joining tho IMHO anyhoo.

Brian's picture

This ride is also posted on farkin so its going to be quite a turn out.

bikemad's picture

as well,but seeing as i have a birthday party day/night/allnight b4 that will be bigger and drunker than ben hur and a big bag of drunken things i will have to see what happens!!

Andy Bloot's picture

Only 5 definates on Farkin incl. tour guide and friend. 2 others interested. And older posts usually get lost amongst the others, so possibly not many others. But yes, it should be quite a turn out.
You coming Brian?

Brian's picture

I can't make it at this stage. I will see closer to the date.

petulance's picture

I'm in. Haven't done Menai in a while. Glad to have a local show us around, though if pushed I think I can remember the basic outline of the loops. But don't bet your mortgage on that!

Supagav's picture

Hey, this ride looks great. Im new to Sydney and it would be great if i could get a ride from Dulwich hill down to the ride, Anyone passing through dulwich hill area that has got a spare Seat? if so please contact me on 93512446 or 0401227194
Cheers Gavin

Phil G's picture

G'Day, new to nobmob, keen to come along for this one, hope that's cool.

Andy Bloot's picture

Everyone's welcome, Phil. Come along and enjoy the ride. See ya on Sunday.

mabsydney's picture

Never ridden here before, looking forward to it and meeting some nobmobers. I may bring a friend, not sure yet. Cheers, Martin

Phil G's picture

Hi, have to pull out, see ya next time.

Bernd's picture, have to get a new fridge!!!! what a shame not a new bike....
next time,

Andy Bloot's picture

To those that haven't been here before, it can be a tad confusing.
Go past the major looking turn off from Alfords point road into Old Illawarra road.
Continue along to the suburb Barden Ridge, and it is a left turn after David Rd.
Follow old Illawarra a short way until a roundabout and veer right.
The playing fields are on your right and you can't miss us.

Andy Bloot's picture

But apologies to Nate and Lee who seemed to disappear to find Liam and Caro who we never saw. We did wait. I should have taken my phone. Sorry all. We didn't expect over 30 riders! All keen to head off.
Thanks to those who hung at the back to make sure everybody was accounted for.
There sure are some exceptional trails in this place.

Caro's picture

Hi guys!

I am so sorry we missed you! Thank you very much for waiting, we did our very best to catch up!
All my fault, I slept in and for some reason we both thought starting time was 8.30!? (a very blond moment here!) derr.....

But what a great ride!
I think we tried to catch you for almost 2 hours but a popped out chain link and a misunderstanding about a now famous 'five way crossing' (we were close to a nuclear reactor after all Sticking out tongue ) didn't help.

Thanks a million Nate for being on the phone to us 100 times and for your just absolutely outstanding artwork to show us the way. Felt a bit like Hensel and Gretel Puzzled. I am still devastated that I missed the mushroom on the rock!

However after finally meeting Lee and Nate (yipppeee!) at a very significant creek crossing ( I think there are only about 10 to 15 in the area, -probably just as many as burned out rusty cars Eye-wink )the ride was awesome!
Some great exploring and linking up of familiar tracks, next time will be a blast. Laughing out loud
We rode the single track that leads to the north shore stuff away from it and it is the best fun!

After about 5 hours we were back at the cars and I am completely stuffed!
Happy days and good night! Smiling

petulance's picture

Apart from getting lost from the group at the first corner!

Thanks to the guy on the blue STP (sorry, I didn't catch your name) and Bruce for hanging back. Menai is a maze at times.

I have ridden Menai twice before this and while most of the trails were familiar, there was definitely some new ground covered today.

mabsydney's picture

Great ride, thanks guys. Awesome trails, can't wait to ride there again Smiling Martin

anke13's picture

...all I can say is...I'm completely buggered. Some fantastic riding, though.
See you all soon

McPete's picture

That would have been me on the blue STP, and I'm glad I was helpful. Thankyou to all who put up with my slowness, ineptitude and terrible sense of direction. Those that come to mind especially are the folks I ended up in a group with, the other Peter(with the NRS) who helped me get back to the group....

This ride was my first real deviation from straight up DH riding, and it was awesome. Great people, great tracks, not as many motos as back home! It was also my first group ride, and I'm convinced I wouldn't have done half as well if I'd gone on my own.

There were a few awe-inspiring performances on this ride. The guy on the rigid who rode in from the CBD for this ride. My mate Craig, on his BigHit, sticking it out with the leaders. The guys who tackled the steep, sheer rocky climbs with a bunny hop and a flurry of pedals... I am truly staggered by your skills.

I think this may have to become a regular ride for me!

Andy Bloot's picture

How you going mate - welcome to nobmob
Climbing anything with the head angle on your STP is hard. Put you on a XC bike and you'd swear your chain had come off it would feel that much easier.
I don't think anybody could beat me for a terrible sense of direction. That's why I like group rides. I can concentrate on following the lines of better riders without worrying about where the hell I am.
See you on the trails.

petulance's picture

And I thought you knew the way as you were signposting for people at the back!

Nice to meet you Pete.

And you were definitely doing better on the STP than I was on my XC bike.

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