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Upper Mangrove to Wiseman's Ferry Return

DudeistPriest's picture

By DudeistPriest - Posted on 24 November 2013

Sunday, 8 December, 2013 - 07:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

5 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Meeting Point: 

Mangrove Mountain Shops

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Easy pace ride of about 50 - 60km:

From the meeting point drive down Waratah Road to Upper Mangrove. From here ride to Ten Mile Hollow via Dubbo Gully, Donny's Trail and GNR. From Ten Mile Hollow ride to Wiseman's Ferry via the GNR,Western Commission Track and Wiseman's Ferry Rd. Return to start via Devines Hill, GNR, Simpsons Track and Dubbo Gully.

Who's in?
Lach, hawkeye, spindog, fh6162, DudeistPriest, Epic (6 riders)
Lach hawkeye spindog fh6162 DudeistPriest Epic
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DudeistPriest's picture

Hi Fred,

It'll be nice to see a new face on one of my rides.



fh6162's picture

Cheers Geoff, c u at the shops 7:30, if you wanna give me your mobile number i'll ring you if there are any problems so you are not left waiting etc... if you dont want to post here you can email to [email protected]

DudeistPriest's picture

PM sent

DudeistPriest's picture


So did you find an alternative to those Gu Tubes, don't want you loosing any teeth this weekend?



Lach's picture

... so will join you for this one Sunday.
Not really looking forward to the climb back up to the cars after 50 or 60 km, but the rest should be good.... Smiling

Lach's picture

... but I'm hoping that there will be enough stops to refuel without needing to do it on the go Smiling

The dentist was pretty adamant that I needed to change my ways - even gotta cut up my raw carrots and apples from here on!

DudeistPriest's picture

Yep that last climb is a killer, last time I did the ride I really felt like walking up that damn hill.

DudeistPriest's picture

We'll stop as required, no rush and definitely be no need to eat on the go, unless you want to of course. I'm trying out Paleo bars for this ride.

Lach's picture

.. sandwiches without crusts Smiling

DudeistPriest's picture

You are getting old

DudeistPriest's picture

Thanks everyone for the ride today a bit hellish in that heat but lots of fun just the same.



hawkeye's picture

That last climb out was tough in the heat, but a good challenge.

Lach's picture

... good ride, although it would be nice if the gate was a bit further down the hill.... Smiling
Hawkeye - I know basketballers that would pay a fortune for that cornrow hairstyle look. Very cool homie...

Lach's picture

What is it about Garmin devices that leads to such huge variations in altitude gained? Your data posted above says 1014m total, mine says 1962m from today's ride. Both with elevation correction enabled? I know I'm a bit taller, but that's ridiculous....
Mine also says 1265m on the dashboard (presumably logged prior to switching on elevation correction?).
I'd have to say it felt more like 1900m than 1000m, but I think that was the heat. I know temps on the Garmin are a bit dependent on how much you ride / stand in the sun, but it was consistently over 30C from Devine's Hill onwards.

DudeistPriest's picture

Well my Garmin says 1232m gained today (Dashboard is the same as device)which is close enough to my other ride for me.

Each ride was recorded on a different device, my posted ride on a 200 and today's ride on a 500. Because the 500 has a barometric altimeter, elevation corrections are disabled.

Lach's picture

... somewhere a bit over 1200m is what it is.... Still a reasonable outing on a hot day Smiling

Still feeling it in the legs.

DudeistPriest's picture

The heat was a killer but I dont think it was entirely responsible for how I felt a lack of general fitness is what did me in. Luckily I bounce back quickly and I feel ok now.

hawkeye's picture

Hey it looks like I've come home without my prescription Oakleys. If any of you're up by the trailhead sometime over the next couple of days, if you could have a look around that would be great. The stupid things are worth as much as an entry level hardtail to replace.  Won't be spending that much again.

Possibly I've either dropped them out of my helmet, left them on the roof when we drove off, or dropped them at the shop where we ate. Should have checked before leaving but i think the heat had turned my brain to jelly.

Anyway if you could have a look around if you're up there, that would be helpful. I'll try and ring the shop in the meantime.

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