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thank you Giro...

... for saving my brain.
this was a close call and i still can't believe i got away with nothing that wouldn't heal by itself.
The helmet was a giro Aeon if you're interested and i am thoroughly impressed by the way it spread the impact all the way around the helmet. especially as it's featherlight. will certainly be replacing with another Aeon.
big thank you to the Ambos from Picton for doing an excellent and speedy job. (will contact them elsewhere), and my mate Simon for doing all the right things.
also, a good reminder, when you're out in the bush, obviously wear your helmet, but also carry a mobile phone and know where to find the GPS coordinates (for iphone users - it's in the compass app, wich they've all got)
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How did you do that?
Glad you're ok (ish)
Yep, it's a damn good thing that helmet did what it was designed to do. In spades. And I had a crash course (no pun intended) in using an iPhone to call the ambos for Stefan. I've always been a non-believer in mobile phones (can't stand the things), but somehow, I think I'll be coming round to them soonish!
BTW, it happened at Welby on a newish jump (well, it wasn't there at Chokky Foot a couple of months ago).
too quick on the approach and instead of smoothly diving into the down ramp buried the front wheel a good meter too far into the flat and landed on my head. (i think)
to add insult to injury this happened after i cleared the jump twice without even thinking about it. but no, i had to go back and do it a third time.
will leave the jumping to people without kids from now on...
I had my met kaos save me last year... Another vote for a proper helmet.
Are Giro one of those companies that like to have mangled helmets sent to them for research? They might also offer a crash replacement at a reduced price.
I came of 4 weeks agodand helmet is ok but my shoulder is half dislocated wish it was my helmet instead that is easier to replace than my shoulder hope all is ok otherwise
yes, giro do a crash replacement, however it depends on the local distributor how much they refund.
luckily i bought this one on a trip to germany last year and they do a full crash replacement there.
going on a family visit there over christmas so will have it replaced then.
btw, @ smiley, i would have a very good look at that helmet. if it was a big enough hit to have your shoulder out your helmet might have gotten a hit too. just not worth taking any risks. you just want them to neatly disintegrate when required (like this one did) and not do something unexpected because there was a hairline crack from an earlier crash.
I remember seeing this video about a year ago and it definitely dispelled my previously somewhat sarcastic view on helmet certification...
Another great advertisement for using the proper tools for the job. You just can't get out on the trails without a proper skid-lid. It's a must-have.
Cycling al, your previously cynical view was probably on the money for cycling helmets. The vid is for skate helmets in the US which don't have mandatory standards. Hell, you could see light through the el cheapo skate helmet!
The cycling helmet standards issue in Australia is more to do with buying helmets overseas that pass international standards, but don't have an Aussie std sticker. Aussie standards require a number of helmets per batch to be destructively tested at the manufacturers cost - aus is a small market, so less models from less manufacturers are available here.
The Aussie std creates a semi monopoly for the distros here.