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Mt York Plan of management

The Draft plan of management for the mT york area including the historic trails is now open for comment
It was suppose to go public on the 25th of Feb but I just got the notice from BMC
Any way it can be downloaded for comment here
Update: The document has now been removed from that location so clearly submission details within are not reachable. If you still wish to try your luck at sending input the submission address was:
General Manager
Blue Mountains City Council
Locked Bag 1005
or by email to Soren Mortensen ([email protected])
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Had a quick look at this today. Parts sound OK, but don't like the look of some of it, particularly:
That's a great little section, why no riding?
They are looking for comments, right? So we can be constructive and say something that while their plan of keeping most tracks open to all, with other users giving way to walkers is quiet sensible, to then go and say riders cannot ride some nice sections that are challenging and fun is not so good.
Or is that rocking the boat too much and we should just be thankful of not being shut out of the area completely?
Is fair enough in my opinion.
1. It is a busy little spot at time with climbers, walkers, grey nomads and the heritage army all vying for space.
2.The rock steps themselves have a bit of heritage value. People like to point to the pick marks in the steps where they had to be hastely widened when the carrage of the visiting governer could not fit through on the opening parade. This is being marred by the chainwheel scrapes and wear from skidding tyers (Note climbers are to be kept out of the area too)
3.They have offered an alternative that most people consider just as good if not better.
The comments are open so if that is your feeling submit away, but I think it unlikely they will concede on that point.
The original draft of my response, complete with spelling and gramar errors is up here if any one wants to use it as a basis for their own response.
No worries Flynny - you are the expert in this area after so bow to your oppinion. Whether or not there is a ridable alternative, but is there? Forgive missing that if they said so, it's such a weighty document.
I guess you're saying the propsal is all good from an MTB point of view and well worth backing?
Yeah they offer the "Alternate desent" that is used as an access route to some of the climbs. it's a good option and better than saying "piss off all together".
That said it's not all good and there are various things I'd like to see changed. The use of the term "Walking trail" to describe all the roads is my big bugbear and even the consultant admitted "Shared trail" would be better and reduce the risk of coflict.
There is some other stuff about walkers getting precidence in all conflicts as well.
It's a bloody huge volume and easy to miss things, on the whole I think they have tyied to include every one and make room for future use. Both BMC outdoor rec guy and the consults seem to be tryign to be fair to every one but you can be sure the heritage army and other focused groups will want to limit us in their comments