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glenrock family day and ambulance

Went for a ride at glenrock on Sunday , completely forgetting that it was an open day for the NPWS. Passed all sorts of people on all sorts of bikes wandering around glenrock generally. Anyway, at the bottom of the chute on Kenny's was a teenage boy been attended to by paramedics - who btw had with some skill got an ambo all the way down off scenic drive and within 30 metres of the injured rider.
Anyway, for anyone interested in the outcome he has had surgery on his arm that is fractured in 2 places plus a fracture in his hand ( welcome to the world of titanium). The rider wasn't there as a one off, but does ride glenrock occasionally and would know the Shute is there - he did however have a massive jolt of optimism to decide to ride it .
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What time was that. We didn't hear about it up on Gun Club Road. Hope he is travelling OK now.
All of the tours the NPWS took were off Gun Club Road.
The Chute though is in need of urgent attention. I will raise it tomorrow when we have our meeting about the Plan of Management Amendment.
It was about 4.15 when he was loaded into the ambulance SD. So probably happened around 3.15 to 3.30
I saw some guys there just before that, it looked like they were checking it out - walking it.
At that time they said they were all OK and no-one appeared injured.
It looked like quite a nasty break so it's good to hear he's been sorted out and is on the mend.
I was very pleased to see the courtesy and consideration given by almost all of the riders (10-12 or so) during the time the paramedics were working their magic, they were given a wide berth and when they had the trail essentially blocked riders just stopped well away from the action. It was great to see.
I say most, as there was but only 1 guy (and his mate but particularly the 1 guy) who turned up late in the piece on a white and black Niner when the injured youngun was being prepped to be put on the stretcher who decided he was ok to push past the half dozen or so riders stopped on the trail saying "we'll get through there" rather than wait 10 minutes while the paramedics finished up. To this guy I suggest that you should have a good hard look at yourself and a think about what it means to be a decent, courteous, considerate and compassionate human being.
I'd also like to agree with Lenny and say that the chute needs a bit of maintenance work to help reduce the risks of this sort of thing occurring again in the future.
Hi Leigh.
That was me, and actually I rolled to where you were standing, and asked if you could get through - ie not been one to stand around and gawk, to which someone replied, no, but it shouldn't be long - so we waited.
Asking is not the same as pushing through - it's called seeking information.
"Can we get through" is a question, "well get through" is a statement , but why get facts in the way of a good story bro......
BTW, talk of the Shute and it's design and danger is hardly appropriate when you are less than 5m from Andrews mum I would have thought ? But maybe not.......
I wouldn't know what you look like so wouldn't know.
But as you say, "why let the facts get in the way of a good story", so if that's how you think it all went when you turned up, good on you but you may just need to check your selective memory.
Have a nice day Mr Enforcer.
Well not to detract from the fact that someone was injured, I was the other guy with Pharmaboy. We went past 2 riders before stopping once we knew what was going on. We waited until the lad was stretchered through the chicane at the bottom of the before moving on with everyone else.
We had to listen to your trail designing skills whilst we waited. Trying to score points on a forum by big noting yourself says more about something that is a flat out lie says more about you than anyone else.
Anyhow, happy riding, and I hope that the young tacker is getting better. not to get in the way of your "facts" regarding a "flat out lie", but you two pushed past others who were stopped until you were made to stop too. And you must have felt particularly cool when you quite loudly laughed and joked (and I'm paraphrasing here) that "this will wreck/ruin his STRAVA time", very compassionate.
As for imposing my "trail designing skills" on you, I certainly apologise as there was no imposition implied, I thought I was just making a little discussion with the suggestion that the trail needed a little maintenance as it didn't work very well at this point. A point that has also been made by Lenny (of the GTA) in a different thread;
The chute was up for discussion before the weekends incident. It was never really constructed properly and wasn't made as intended. The B-Line is likely going to be extended at the top to fix up the first few turns. This will bring it in line with what we wanted to build originally, but weren't able to.
The chute itself is another animal. Unless some feasible plans can be put together to resurrect it so it will last, it may need to be closed. If you've got ideas for it, let us know."
Now I don't think the Chute needs to be shut down, but I certainly don't think it's perfectly fine as it is and if you don't know it's there or can't ride it then bad luck, as has been suggested by others. Surely, from a Risk Assessment point of view at least, a constructive dialogue and discussion over such trails and design principles could only be a good thing allowing for more progressive outcomes. You never know, it could help enormously with the issues regarding liability which have been discussed in the topics regarding formalising the GTA as an incorporated club.
Now, as for this accusation of "big noting myself", I'm not sure exactly what you're getting at since you've used a sentence structure
with which I'm not familiar, but it should be noted that it was your mate pharmaboy who has gone out of his way here to find out all about the kid and his injuries (even though he didn't want to "gawk"), post them up here and also offer a slightly cryptic suggestion that the Chute is ok and doesn't need any maintenance. I don't know about you but that's what I call an attempt to big note oneself, but that's just me.
Anyways, we'll probably run into one another on the trails again in the future, hopefully it'll be without any of this obvious niggle over what is essentially opinion. As such, have a nice day/ride etc..
OK, we have established,
1) The kid will be OK, after surgery.
2) The chute needs work (subject to a separate thread on here to discuss)
3) There is a disagreement on how things transpired after the event.
To be honest, I only really care about the first two points with the first being paramount.
The personality clash/disagreement on how things transpired/whatever you want to call it, isn't going to help the kid, its not going to sort the chute. So, on the third point, I think we've all heard enough and lets focus on the first two points.
I was speaking to the young bloke yesterday at the Kermesse. He's as good as can be all things considered. By that I mean up and about with arm in plaster / sling - sense of humour still intact.
Great to hear.
Mum showed me the photos today. Very nasty.
Always a concern for me as my kids are always in there riding. So far so good. Pleased to hear about the attendance and mobility of the ambo's! Do they always have the keys?
If they don't have the specific key to the lock, I believe they do carry a univeral key, AKA BFO bolt cutters.