that cheese on a stick thing is almost right next door to were im working.We were saying how we could write a cook book on it.that or a 101 different ways with pup of the pluto.Im thinking green curried pluto pups,or grilled and stuffed with porcini and finished with truffle oil,theyre such versatile liddl suckers!!
the nobmob beer mascot has hung up his costume for awhile-time to let it dry out,so to speak.Will be a challenge tho,as its an absolute sQ#^$t fight and i start tomorrow at 7am doing breaky and dont even know what the fnn menu is!!
Didn't know where you were working Mat but I did look for you.
Stuart, I don't remember all the free food that you remember,
but my good Friday public holiday memories was that as young idiots we always forgot to stock up on beer as the pubs and bottle shops there closed so we would go to the show for a pub crawl
This topic can be listed under food ie carb loading
Serving up pluto pups and fairy floss??
that whatever he is doing, he won't be doing it straight
that was about the only food you had to pay for. You could almost eat for the day out of the sample pavilions when I was a kid
that cheese on a stick thing is almost right next door to were im working.We were saying how we could write a cook book on it.that or a 101 different ways with pup of the pluto.Im thinking green curried pluto pups,or grilled and stuffed with porcini and finished with truffle oil,theyre such versatile liddl suckers!!
the nobmob beer mascot has hung up his costume for awhile-time to let it dry out,so to speak.Will be a challenge tho,as its an absolute sQ#^$t fight and i start tomorrow at 7am doing breaky and dont even know what the fnn menu is!!
....I had three yesterday Mmmmm!
Didn't know where you were working Mat but I did look for you.
Stuart, I don't remember all the free food that you remember,
but my good Friday public holiday memories was that as young idiots we always forgot to stock up on beer as the pubs and bottle shops there closed so we would go to the show for a pub crawl
This topic can be listed under food ie carb loading